R. Niruj Mohan niruj at rri.res.in
Tue Nov 7 06:16:29 EST 2000

[came to me, bouncing it to daip -- PPM]

Dear Pat Murphy,

We have 15OCT99 version of AIPS running on our machine. I know we should
upgrade to 31DEC99 but there is a meeting coming up next week and there is
tremendous pressure to get final images etc out !

The problem with the 15OCT99 we have is this :

I have C and D array data on an object and I want to concatenate it and
make a single image. So I use DBCON to create a C+D uv file. When I image
it using IMAGR, the MSGSRV indicates the correct number of total
visibilities it takes, but the image is only of the first uv file used in
DBCON - the second file is ignored. This is true for DOARRAY = +1 and -1.
I copied the latest (30DEC99) DBCON.FOR and compiled it and used it - same
problem. So I suspect the problem is in the 15OCT99 IMAGR task instead.

Am I right ? If so, is there a quick temporary way out, like a patch (I
noticed that all the patches for the older AIPS have been removed from the
webpage) for IMAGR ? Or can you tell me which of the new IMAGR-related
files of 30DEC99 version should I copy over and compile and therefore
cheat a bit ? 

Niruj Mohan
RRI, India.       

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