[daip] problem with KNTR??

Caroline E Simpson simpsonc at galaxy.fiu.edu
Mon May 22 14:13:13 EDT 2000


In both 15APR99 (linux) and 31DEC99 (unix), I've recently encountered a 
problem using KNTR. In both instances, I was using a DSS image as an 
optical greyscale and the MOM0 map (HGEOMed) as the contour image. In 
the .ps file produced, occasionally I get a random "contour" line 
running from one of the legitimate contours to some other random place. 
The line is straight, and has even run off the plot, causing LWPLA to 
generate a VECTORS TRUNCATED error. There are no ST files associated 
with these images, and once it happens, it recurs exactly the same way 
every time I run KNTR on those images. I can send you a copy of one of 
the .ps files if you like. 

Also, (another problem?) when I run EXTLIST on my plot files, the 
levels don't show properly. I get LEVS= 0.000E0 * 3.38 -- and that's 
all. 3.38 in this case is CLEV; the actual levels (0.5, 1, 2, 4,...) 
don't show up at all. This is obviously a minor thing; just annoying. 

Thanks; please contact me if you need further info.

Caroline Simpson
Dept. of Physics
University Park
Florida International University
Miami, FL 33199
(305) 348-1565
(305 348-6700 FAX 

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