[daip] Re: ANTAB/APCAL problem

Leonia Kogan lkogan at aoc.nrao.edu
Fri Jul 21 17:08:04 EDT 2000

Privet Deniska,

I have checked both ANTAB and APCAL here and know the problem now:

ANTAB works with you data although it gives only four entries at the TY 
table for all antennas but Cm and Wb.
It is exactly what should be expected because you have only 4 TSYS mesurments 
for these six antennas. By the way using OFFSET parameter in ANTAB is
preferable because it increases the scan length of each side and TIMEOFF 
shifts the scan in one side (I do not know which).

So I repeat again ANTAB works.

APCAL works also but not with your data because the data are correlated 
wrong or different of VLBA correlator:

1. VLBA correlator uses Left Handed coordinate system for the antenna
   coordinates. YOUR data use Right Handed system. LH is generaly used in VLBI.

2. GST given at antenna table is wrong. It is 389 degrees at the AN table 
   but should be 157 degrees for the date of observation 28Feb2000.

3. I see FREQ = 0.250MHZ!!!!! at the top of the AN table.

The first two error lead to the elevation be negative for all antennas 
and APCAL rejects them i pravilno delaet (russian)

That is why SN table is empty.

Thank you for the interesing exersize.



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