[daip] AIPSTARS in CV

Patrick P. Murphy pmurphy at NRAO.EDU
Tue Jul 4 20:45:10 EDT 2000

On Sun, 2 Jul 2000 15:40:13 -0400, Eric Greisen <egreisen at nrao.edu> said:

> I have attempted to set up $AIPSTARS so that the smaller NVSS survey
> files would be served by the MNJ to the various sites.  The larger
> NVSS and WENSS files would be available as *.gz and clear text from
> anonymous ftp and the www pages.  It seems to me that we have to make
> the large files available to our CV and AOC users in the LOCAL copies
> of $AIPSTARS and I have attempted to set that up here at the AOC.  In
> CV, I ran out of disk space.  Pat changed things around some, but
> moved all of the big files to KOCHAB's copy (where they promptly tried
> to appear in the MNJ

What?  They should not have.  I didn't check them in, ergo they were not
AFAIK in the transaction files.  I did see on June 26 a subset of the
files in the MNJ, but I assumed that was your doing.  

In no case can a simple "mv" of a file cause it to get into the
transaction files of the AIPS midnight job; at least I hope not.

The situation is confusing (to me at least) because both AIPS_ROOT areas
are physically on kochab.  They are:

Filesystem            kbytes    used   avail capacity  Actually on
/AIPS                1961745 1738797  164096    92%    /kochab_1/AIPS
/home/aips           5340578 4782046  344909    94%    /export/stripe_0/AIPS

IIRC my reasoning for moving the bigger files to one or the other area was
purely pragmatic: disk space.  If it is necessary for us to increase the
space needed for AIPS in CV, I'll do it.  It's not like it'll cost much.

One additional thing to bear in mind is that kochab will not last forever;
it's an almost-10-year-old machine now.  Should we be considering a move
of the AIPS master systemto a newer machine, say like valen?

I will be moving all other functions of kochab (ftp, www, majordomo) off
to a new server in the coming months, so AIPS will be the last thing
left.  We can of course leave kochab running as long as it can, but it's
no spring chicken.

				- Pat

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