[bananas] First patch for 15OCT98

Pat Murphy pmurphy at nrao.edu
Wed Nov 25 14:04:58 EST 1998

There's always some little detail you forget... Sorry about that.
This applies to the CDROM as well, unfortunately.

ID:           1.
Task:         FTPGET

Summary:      FTPGET incorrectly tells you that the TCD000000; file did
              not get transferred.  For this release of AIPS, there is no
              TCD000000; file; instead there is a TCD000001; file which
              almost certainly did get downloaded if you allowed INSTEP1
              to get the binaries for you.
	      A quick fix for this during the install phase is to simply
              interrupt INSTEP1 when it claims not everything got
              downloaded, and start it again.  It will now think a binary
              version is present.  If you have not yet begun INSTEP1, you
              can replace the FTPGET file as follows: 


Fix:          1. Fetch the file listed above and place it in
                 the corresponding area on your system.
              2. (re)start INSTEP1

Documentor:   Pat Murphy
Date:         1998-11-25


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