[asac] Fwd: from Concepcion

Richard Hills rhills at alma.cl
Wed Mar 10 02:54:25 EST 2010

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	from Concepcion
Date: 	Sun, 7 Mar 2010 17:53:52 -0300
From: 	Neil Nagar <catyneil at gmail.com>
To: 	morita at nro.nao.ac.jp, rhills at alma.cl, nmnagar at msn.com

Dear Morita-san, Richard,
Greetings from the center of Concepcion - now finally en route to
recovery. As you probably know I had to cancel my attendance at the ASAC
f2f meeting.
Our electricity was connected only late last night and so this is the
first real
opportunity to communicate with you by email. Apologies for any confusion.
We are fine (my wife and I, and our 8 pets too!) though we managed the
past week
on emergency survival mode -  cleaning rubble, fixing things, finding
food, and foiling robberies. We were very lucky, given the magnitude
of the earthquake to have survived so well. My office is not yet
accessable and I have
limited access to documents and my passwords etc. so I don´t expect
to participate much in this meeting. Nevertheless I will try to catch up
this evening and tonight on the documentation and send any comments
if necessary.
with best regards,

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