[asac] prioritized list of documents for Charge 2 available

Christine Wilson wilson at physics.mcmaster.ca
Fri Dec 16 18:17:45 EST 2005

Hi, everyone,

With feedback from Kawabe-san and Yamamoto-san, I have made a prioritized 
list of documents for Charge 2 for the ASAC meeting.

You can retrieve all the documents in a single g'ziped tar file
(26 Mbytes) from


A text listing of the various documents is given at the bottom of this 

Happy reading!

Documents for ASAC Charge 2: ACA

First Priority:
(1) draft memo on the combined array 
(2) powerpoint presentations from ACA system PDR 
(3) Science Specifications and Requirements (3 documents)
(4) AIV and CSV plans for ACA (2 documents)
(5) Calibration Plan  

Second Priority: 
(6) two memos on imaging simulations and phase cal simulations 
(7) 5 documents of Reference Paper for the ACA System PDR 
       AbsoluteFlux.pdf - absolute flux calibrators for ALMA
       ALMA_memo531.pdf - using nutators in ACA TP OTF observation
       baseline_report_takakuwa.pdf - simulating ACA location calibration
       Beam_nutator_20050826.pdf - simulated beam patterns with nutation
       fastsw_report_takakuwa.pdf - fast switching with combined array
(8) ACA Operation Concept 

Third priority 
(9) reference memo on array configuration design
(10) 4 documents from ACA System and Subsystem Technical Specifications 
       2005-09-27 ALMA- - ACA correlator technical
       2005-10-19 ALMA- - ACA system tech reqs
       2005-10-20 ALMA- - ACA FE subsystem TP array 
                                              technical specs&reqs
       2005-10-20 ALMA- - ACA 7m FE subsystem 
					      technical specs&reqs
(11)  2005-10-26_ALMA- - ACA system design 
(12)  ACAperformance.pdf - performance budget for ACA

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