[asac]charge 2

Christine Wilson wilson at physics.mcmaster.ca
Tue Sep 7 16:12:41 EDT 2004

Hi, everyone,

Here is a bit of information related to charge 2 (TAC procedures).

Leonardo has obtained an update on how ESO handles handles the issues
related to our charge. It has been checked and approved by the current
ESO-OPC chairman and by Joao Alves on behalf of ESO. The file is attached.

The original discussion of this issue by the ASAC is in the April 2002
ASAC report, which you can find at


I also have a mail file containing 28 emails of the discussion that led up
to that report. I haven't had a chance to review it in detail, so I don't
know how many ideas came up and were discarded by the time of the final
report. I can send it along to anyone who is interested.

I will try to obtain a summary of the procedures used at the JCMT and
Gemini, which are both multi-TAC observatories. But I will not be able to
do this before our telecon Thursday.

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