[asac]question about the correlator upgrade

Munetake MOMOSE momose at mx.ibaraki.ac.jp
Mon Mar 3 04:00:07 EST 2003

Hi, everyone, 

I have a question about the upgrade plan of the baseline 
correlator. Recently I'm aware that the maximum number of 
frequency channels in the memo provided by John Webber in last 

seems different from that in the ALMA Memo 441, which originally 
introduced the upgrade plan. In former memo the maximum seems 
4096 (=32 x 128), but 8192 in the ALMA Memo 441. 

Could someone tell which the correct number is at this moment ?

Sorry for the late comment. 

             Munetake MOMOSE

  Inst. Astrophysics & Planetary Sciences,
  Faculty of Science, Ibaraki University
  Fax: +81-29-228-8355
  e-mail: momose at mx.ibaraki.ac.jp

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