[asac]March ASAC Meeting - Science Day Plan

Tetsuo Hasegawa tetsuo.hasegawa at nao.ac.jp
Tue Feb 5 19:46:03 EST 2002

Dear ASAC members,

Geoff, Pierre, Yasuo, and myself have made up a draft plan of the Science 
Day associated with the Tokyo ASAC meeting in March as attached.  We would 
like to hear your comments on it at the teleconf this week.

With best,



<ALMA Science Day - General Lecture Associated with ASAC>

Date: afternoon of March 21 (Thu) - Japanese holiday to celebrate equinox
Venue: A hall with 300 seats in the National Museum of Emerging Science and 
Innovation has been tentatively reserved.
This new museum opened in July 2001 at the Tokyo waterfront will co-host 
the Lecture session.

The main target of the session will be general public with interest in 
science, older than 15 or so (up to 60s or even older!).  Families visiting 
the museum on that day can drop in if they get interested.

The session may be composed of two parts.

Part 1: Lecture Session (90 min total)
Three speakers from Japan, North America, and Europe will give talks.
First, the Japanese speaker describes in Japanese the ALMA project and 
introduces an example of science with ALMA.  Then, the North American and 
European speakers give lecture on the current understanding in Galactic and 
extragalactic astronomy and the exciting prospect with ALMA.  The talks are 
not meant to cover the entire scope of ALMA science, but they should 
highlight a few topics that are of greatest interest to the public.  The 
talks are given in English followed by Japanese translation page by page 
(of viewgraphs/PowerPoint).  We need to nominate the speakers.  The 
candidates are, Yasuo Fukui, Goeff Blake, and Pierre Cox.

Part 2: Discussion Session (60-90 min)
After a short break, we will have a discussion session.  We will have the 
former speakers and a few more ASAC members on stage, picking up various 
questions from the audience written in question sheets and collected during 
the break, or taking questions in real time from the floor.  Most questions 
will be made in Japanese.  A Japanese ASAC member will serve as a 
translator.  A possibility of inviting the director of the museum Dr. 
Mouri, who is a famous astronaut, on stage is being sought.  If he can 
join, a part of the discussion session will be in a panel discussion style 
with short speeches followed by discussion among the panellers on a variety 
of topics.
Tetsuo HASEGAWA, D. Sc.   <tetsuo.hasegawa at nao.ac.jp>
ALMA-J Project Scientist
Professor, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
2-21-1 Osawa, Mitaka, Tokyo 181-8588, Japan
Phone +81-422-34-3780 / FAX +81-422-34-3764

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