[asac]Re: Draft of ASAC Report: section on RSC

Neal Evans nje at bubba.as.utexas.edu
Wed Apr 3 11:22:40 EST 2002

Hi all,
Ken made an interesting point. I just read an interesting article last
night that Tim Cornwell pointed me towards. It compares various "Moore's
Laws". Everything is not scaling in the same way. For the present, disk
storage is getting cheaper much faster than access (bandwidth). So it probably
does make sense to have lots of copies of the archive that are held

However, it is still an implementation decision that should be made
based on analysis of issues like this by people who understand them
better than I do.  What the ASAC should say is that we want fast access
and the RSCs should provide it. Then they can figure out the best way
to do it at the time.


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