[asac] Writing Assignments

Karl Menten kmenten at mpifr-bonn.mpg.de
Fri Sep 15 08:14:45 EDT 2000

Dear ASAC members,

I am expecting your contributions to the Berkeley ASAC minutes by next 
Wednesday, September 20.

The following is to remind you of the writing assignments. The idea is that
for each topic the first-named person should take the responsibility 
for getting the assigment completed and sending it to me. Before that, he
should solicit and include input from the other people listed under that 
topic, and if neccessary from other parties as well.

* Enhanced ALMA, ACA     --- N. Evans, P. Cox
* Correlator             --- R. Bachiller, S. Guilloteau, A. Wootten
* Calibration            --- J. Welch, J. Richer, S. Guilloteau, J. Mangum
* Configurations         --- M.-S. Yun, R. Booth
* Site                   --- A. Wootten
* Polarization           --- R. Crutcher
* Receivers              --- E. van Dishoeck, G. Blake, M. Walmsley, 
                             D. Woody (7 mm band)
* Water Vapor Radiometer --- J. Welch

Waiting for your contribution,

Dr. Karl M. Menten   (kmenten at mpifr-bonn.mpg.de)
Max-Planck-Institut fuer Radioastronomie
Auf dem Huegel 69, D-53121 Bonn, Germany
Tel.: +49 (0)228-525297 * Fax: +49 (0)228-525435

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