[asac] Meeting Monday

Al Wootten awootten at NRAO.EDU
Fri Aug 4 10:50:04 EDT 2000

For those who may be at the IAU on Monday, there are two options:

1) You can phone into the meeting from the phone booth where you have
changed into your ASAC costume (scarlet A on the chest?:'), or

2) Gary Fuller has graciously offered the use of his office and a
Gary is located at:
Department of Physics	|  e-mail: G.Fuller at umist.ac.uk
UMIST                   |  phone: +44-(0)161-200-3653
P.O. Box 88             |  fax:   +44-(0)161-200-4303 
Manchester M60 1QD      |  http://saturn.phy.umist.ac.uk:8000/~gaf/gaf.html

And remember that the UK is on summertime, so that 1415UT=3:15 pm local time!

Time:  14:15 UT (= 16:15 CEST = 10:15 EDT = 07:15 PDT = 23:15 Japan)

Conference Leader: Mr Al Wootten
USA Number: 888-790-1725
Non-USA Number: 312-470-7050
Passcode: ALMA

Clear skies,
| Alwyn  Wootten   (http://www.cv.nrao.edu/~awootten/)	 |
| Project Scientist, Atacama Large Millimeter Array/US   |
| Astronomer, National Radio Astronomy Observatory       |        
| 520 Edgemont Road, Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475, USA |
| (804)-296-0329 voice             Help us build The ALMA|        
| (804)-296-0278 FAX               {>    {>    {>    {>  |

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