[alma-config] strategy of reconfiguration of the compact array

Leonia Kogan lkogan at aoc.nrao.edu
Fri Apr 27 13:45:45 EDT 2001


I have designed another compact configuration which has good parameters.
We can discuss it at the next tele meeting.

Discussing this configurtation with Peter Napier the new idea about the
reconfiguration was told out by Peter.

1. Consider that maintainance will not require accsess to an antenna on 
   the regular basis. So we can brash aside the maintainace argument.

2. Suppose we are going to reconfigurate the compact configuration starting 
   from its inside. ( If we want to start from outside then the road problem 
   does not exit at all).

Then to get the inside of the array we need a wide enter to have an access 
to one of the six inside antennas. Having removed it we will have a wider 
access to the next of the six inside antennas.

Having removed the all six inside antennas we can start eating the inner 
circle of the first ring and so on.

The outer circle has an access anyway from outside.

Therefore the wide roads 20-30meters can be replaced by 15 meter roads 
to provide the required spacing and the configuration will have less 
totatl size.

The place for the array should look like a concrete slab.

May we discuss this idea?


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