mailing lists - Admin Links |
Welcome! Below is the collection of publicly-advertised Mailman mailing lists on Click on a list name to visit the configuration pages for that list.To visit the administrators configuration page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended. If you have the proper authority, you can also create a new mailing list. General list information can be found at the mailing list overview page. (Send questions and comments to |
List | Description |
Aceapprojectteam | List of ACEAP Project Team Members |
Agngroup | Weekly AGN discussion seminar at NRAO |
agnjetsclub | AGN, jets and Co. Journal Club SOC |
Algorithms | Data Processing Algorithm Forum |
Alma-config | ALMA configuration working group issues |
Almacal | ALMA Calibration Group |
Almanews | ALMA Project Announcements |
Almasci | ALMA Science IPT Mailing List |
Anasac | ALMA North American Science Advisory Committee |
Aocvisitors | registrations to visit AOC will go to this list |
Approvaldelegation | Approval authority delegation |
Arcr | Updated Approval Route Cross Reference |
Asac | ALMA Science Advisory Committee |
Astrochem | NRAO-UVa Astrochemistry Mailing List |
Audsetup | Auditorium AOC Setup |
Bananas | AIPS-related discussions |
beamformer | Discuss beamformer ATI proposal |
Budgetmanagers | NRAO Budget Managers, all sites |
Businessmanagers | NRAO Business Managers, all sites |
Casa-announce | Announcements relating to the CASA post-processing software |
casa-news | CASA Newsletter |
Casa-staff | Folks assigned to CASA who do the work |
Cce-unix | The Common Computing Environment For Unix Working Group |
Cce-win | The Common Computing Environment For Windows Working Group |
Cdlseniorstaff | CDL Senior Staff |
Cem | Computational Electromagnetics and Multi-Physics Modeling and Licenses |
Colloquia | Annoucement list for all colloquia and talks |
Comm | NRAO telecommunications coordination |
Commitauth | Committment Authority Distribution |
Cvgameclub | Announcement List for the CV Game Club |
cvgradstudents | Grad students sitting at NRAO-CV |
Cvrec | CV Rec Assn |
Cvss | Charlottesville Summer Students |
Cvssmentors | Charlottesville Summer Student Mentors |
Daip | This is the designated AIP list for AIPS support. |
Difx-developers | Developers of the DiFX Software Correlator |
Difx-users | Users of the DiFX Software Correlator |
Dms-leads | DMS Leads |
dms-ssa | Science Support Archive Team List |
Epo | EPO Staff List |
Escoordminutes | Minutes of the weekly ES Division Coord. Mtg. |
esm_internal | Internal use for NRAO-GBO Electromagnetic Spectrum Management Groups |
Evla-systems | EVLA Systems Group |
evlatests | EVLA Testing discussion |
Execadmins | ExecAD Assistants |
feic_na | FE ALMA Ops Service Group |
fitsbits | International FITS discussion list |
fitswcs | FITS World Coordinate System discussion list |
Fueltank | VLA group responsible for fuel tank |
Galgroup | Galaxy Discussion Group |
Gbelectronics | Green Bank Electronics Division |
Gbfitness | Announce planned fitness activities in GB. |
Gbipg | Green Bank Interference Protection Group |
GBNCC | Green Bank North Celestial Cap pulsar survey discussions and logistics |
GBO-OpsLog-Reports | Subscribers to this list will receive daily reports from the GBO Operators Log |
Gboyogaflow | GBO Yoga Class Notification |
Gbpartners | A list for GBO Employees' partners to stay informed of GBOERA events |
Gbradar | Green Bank Radar Support Group |
gbrec | GBO Rec Association Members non-board |
gbrecboard | Green Bank Recreation Association Board |
Gbretirees | A list for GBO Retirees who want to stay involved in GBO and GBOERA events. |
Gbrri | Green Bank - RRI pulsar project collaboration |
Gbsci | GB scientist info |
Gbss | Green Bank Summer Students |
gbtinfo | For dissemination of GBT related information |
gbtlocal | Circulate information about gbt operations to local staff. A replacement for gbt. |
Gbtobscom | People who receive observers comments reports |
gbtpipeline-announce | Announcements related to the Green Bank Telescope pipeline. |
gbvlb | Very Long Baseline at Green Bank |
Guppi | Mailing list for advanced pulsar machines |
HPC | High Performance Computing Mailing List |
Hvatum | Hein Hvatum Memorial VLA Century Ride |
Hvatum2013 | Hein Hvatum Memorial VLA Century Ride 2013 |
iaufwg | IAU FITS Working Group discussions |
Idataugmentors | [no description available] |
Irengr | Ivy Road Engineers |
Iss_speakers | List for coordination of speakers in the Internal Science Symposium |
Janskyfellows | Jansky Fellows |
mmaimcal | ALMA Imaging and Calibration |
Mnj | AIPS Midnight Job stuff |
MODEST | MOdeling DEnse STellar systems |
Movie_night | Mailing list for NM movie nights at the loma |
Msmrx | Millimeter Submillimeter Receivers Group |
NAASC | Scientific staff associated with the North American ALMA Science Center (NAASC) |
Newsletter | List of staff that submit articles to the NRAO Newsletter |
ngRADAR-info | General ngRADAR email to Project Office for website |
Ngvla-antenna | ngVLA Antenna IPT |
ngVLA-info | General ngVLA email to Project Office for website |
Ngvla-rfi | ngVLA radio frequency interference mitigation work group |
Ngvla-wp | ngvla work package leads and other key project staff |
ngVLA_Electronic_Systems | A mailing list for the ngVLA Electronic Systems IPT. |
Ngvla_ipt_leads | ngVLA IPT Leads |
Ngvla_mgt | ngVLA senior management team |
Ngvla_pmo | ngVLA Project Management Office |
Nmgradstudents | Grad students based in Socorro incl. UNM, NMT and NMSU affiliated students |
Nmipg | NM Interference Protection Group |
Nmss | Socorro Summer Students |
Nmssmentors | Socorro Summer Student Mentors |
Nmsymp | New Mexico Symposium |
Nrao_cv_hs_mentor | High school student mentor program coordination at Charlottesville |
Nraopostdocs | Jansky Fellow and NRAO/GBO Postdocs |
nraosoc-yoga | Socorro yoga class members |
Oryx | VLBA New Digital Architecture |
Radial-issues | Technical or scientific problems with RADIAL. |
Rfiwatch | A discussion group for all concerned with RFI & Spectrum Management issues |
Safety-NM | NM Safety Committee and safety issues |
Sage | Scientific Advisory Group to EVLA |
Scistaff | NRAO Scientific Staff (Observatory-wide) |
sddev | Single Dish Development |
Singledatabase | People working on the PST single sign and other database issues |
Siwannounce | Initial announcements of NRAO Sythesis Imaging Workshops |
SM2020 | Registrants for the 5th IUCAF Spectrum Management School |
Ssa-issues | Reporting of SSA software production issues |
STEM-EducationMatters | List to keep interested individuals informed of STEM education issues. |
Vegas | Discuss continued work on VEGAS |
Vla-opt-issues | To report VLA OPT issues that require immediate attention |
Vla-ost-issues | To report VLA OST scheduling tool issues that require immediate attention |
Vla-pipe-coord | VLA pipeline coordination |
Vla-pipe-users | Users of the VLA calibration pipeline |
Vla_site_techs | VLA Site Tech Team |
VLASS-galactic | VLASS discussion on Galatic plane/center |
Vlass-ssg | Members of the Science Survey Group of the VLA Sky Survey |
Vlass-swg | Science Working Group of the VLA Sky Survey |
Vlavlbausers | Announcement-only list for VLA and VLBA users |
Vlba_users | VLBA PST Users |
Vlbasoft | VLBA Software Group |
vlbatests | Testing of new VLBA capabilities |
vlbi | Announcements related to VLBI generally, and specifically to the VLBA |
Vlite-alert | VLITE System Maintenance Alerts |
Volunteer | EPO requestsopportunities for volunteering in CV, NM, and virtually |
Webcontent | NRAO official web content discussion list |
webdev | Web Developer Mailing List |
wfc | WGAS FITS Committee discussions |
Wfpa-develop | GBT WFPA Development Information |
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