[evlatests] Strange R-L phase symmetries

George Moellenbrock gmoellen at nrao.edu
Mon Mar 28 15:13:26 EDT 2022


I'm going to try to revive interest in a broadened, but still /~purely 
//geometrical explanation/.   In particular, I wonder if we appreciate 
the true incongruities in the realized optical geometry as well as we 
think we do, at least as regards the net effective rotation of the feeds 
on the sky near the zenith. Apparently not quite, and more than just 
simple Az axis tilts could be relevant (yet still without going behind 
the feed to wires and software).  I.e., where is the /primary/ boresight 
actually pointing?

*Regarding Az tilts (for starters): *The properties of the symmetries 
Rick has shown are entirely consistent with (differential) tilts in the 
AZ axes by a few arcmin.   E-W tilts cause the even symmetry (time 
offsets in geometry calculation can do this to...).  N-S tilts will 
cause the odd symmetry.   It was casually asserted early in the 
conversation that the peculiar tilts (due to sag of pads, etc.) aren't 
big enough for this.  Is there a real quantitative basis for this claim?

The basic geometrical interpretation is really a matter of answering the 
following question:  "How is the antenna rotating around the direction 
to the source in general, and especially nearer the zenith?"    Do we 
really think we know this near the zenith at levels comparable to the 
scale of tilts required for the observed effect?   Rick correctly stated 
"parallactic angle is not a function of polarization", but 
misapprehension of the realized parallactic angle evolution (in 
geometric models used to correlate/calibrate) will have opposite phase 
effect on the R and L polarizations.  I.e., any effective rotation of 
the feed on top of the assumed geometric model of the system will 
advance the R phase and retard L's, or vice-versa.  This is what Rick's 
plots show, differentially with the refant.   So, does the correlator 
phase model include terms for the peculiar tilts in each antenna?   If 
not, then the peculiar tilts /must be /introducing these effect at some 
level, i.e., at least some of the observed effect is due to the Az axis 

*But, if you need more effect than mere Az tilts can supply, my main 
/new /point is /primary boresight pointing accuracy/:*   Beyond the 
simple peculiar tilts, we are actually also assuming that the antennas 
point precisely on their /primaries' /optical boresights toward the 
source.   Is this true?   The (joint?) optimization of pointing, focus 
and collimation is presumably respectably optimizing /net forward 
sensitivity/ (and somehow averaged between R and L to fall between 
between the squinted beams, which we presume /is/ the primary Stokes I 
boresight).   This broad optimization should tend toward, but by no 
means necessarily guarantee, that the pointing /of the primary /(which 
is what is driven by the motors) is precisely toward the source.   
Indeed, is there any way to objectively guarantee (i.e., constrain) the 
primary boresight in the optimizations we perform for the optics?   In 
particular, I wonder if the collimation optimization does, in fact, push 
us distinctly (but subtly..., and enough?) /away/ from the primary's 
boresight?     I.e., to what extent do we optimize collimation by 
moving/pointing the feed horns themselves (at the few arcmin level), cf 
just adjusting the _net_ pointing of the mechanical optics (forward of 
the feed) to ~compensate and balance?   A few arcmin offset only 
negligibly affects the primary's forward gain, so no leverage there...   
And it is interesting to note that a lot is bootstrapped between and 
among bands in achieving the general combined optimization of all feeds 
across the sky (i.e., everything pegged to whatever uncompensated 
mechanical offsets exist in the X-band feed?).  Not to mention the 
likely relevance of sub-reflector rotation tricks (at higher-freq bands) 
to the net geometry of the optics, which speaks to the level at which we 
need to account for loss of the rigidity implicit in the simple 
geometric description.....  In short, optimization of the whole signal 
path is almost certainly not optimization of each optical path component 
in isolation, and in particular, */the drive motors are probably 
effectively moving the primary for a point on the sky that is _not_ 
precisely the target source coordinates, such that the net rotation 
around the direction to the target isn't quite the right one/**.*  And 
this will be most noticeable nearer the zenith, of course, in the 
relative R-L phase/,/ in a manner very like the simple Az tilts.  The 
main drawback to this explanation is that we might have expected more 
band-dependence of the effect, unless we are dominated mainly by the 
bootstrapping from one band, or something else systematic (per antenna, 
not band) about the effective boresight directions of (aging) VLA 

(I pose the above based on some ongoing off-and-on (mostly off, lately) 
experience studying similar questions for ALMA, where, in fact, they 
have /deliberately/ chosen to translate (rather than tilt, as designed) 
the subreflector to reach off-axis feeds (on 2 feed circles).  This 
means they are deliberately /moving off the primary boresight/.  And 
since we don't really know the subreflector zero points in tip/tilt and 
translation, I don't think we really know how far off the boresight ALMA 
antennas actually are...   So, they've unintentionally compromised the 
feed orientation calculation in calibration for a (measured, memo'd) 
very small net loss in forward sensitivity.)

*Regarding OTF pointing updates:*   Also, I think we expect blind 
pointing to be poor near the zenith, by which I mean we don't expect our 
ordinary optimizations to be very good....   I wonder if the amplitudes 
(in particular, the /relative/ R/L amp) might give a clue about how far 
from the nominal pointing we have wandered (on top of the offsets 
introduced ~deliberately through nominal optimizations described 
above).   Also, manually tweaking up the pointing on top of the model 
at, say, HA ~ -1h might actually be an effectively arbitrary 
"correction" to a point decidedly off-source for the primary boresight 
nearer the zenith....

*Regarding measuring cross-hand phase directly: *Examining truly 
measured cross-hand phases will definitely be interesting. Note that 
this will be a measurement relative to the (simple) parallactic angle 
calculation used to make the sky nominally stationary in rotation.  This 
calculation does not include all of the inhomogeneities described above 
(true axes tilts, effective optical path offsets), and is also subject 
to the coordinate system chosen for the parang calculation.  I think 
both AIPS* and CASA have traditionally used the geocentric latitude (not 
geodetic) for the parang calculation, which effectively behaves like a 
~10.7 arcmin tilt to the North.  This creates a several degree position 
angle error near the zenith (twice this in R-L phase) of the odd 
symmetry, and is conveniently nulled by the difference measurements Rick 
has shown so far (owing to the fact that VLA antennas are nominally 
mounted on the earth in parallel).  Indeed, it is the scale of this 
alone that keeps me scratching my head about just the ordinary tilts of 
a few arcmin being enough to cause at least some of the effect Rick 
observes. So, don't be surprised if the actual cross-hand phase 
(effectively, of the refant) looks worse!

(*I'd welcome Eric's correction on this point, if I'm wrong about this.)

*Regarding 'over-the-top': *I think over-the-top might ~decouple Az 
tilts from internal (feed-forward) optics, since the net primary 
boresight pointing error is probably different for over-the-top, but I 
haven't thought very carefully about this....   Hmmm, I think net feed 
rotation is in the opposite direction for over-the-top, so I don't think 
you get the same thing for the Az tilt effect--won't it reverse the sign 
of your differential phases?   If only a sign reversal, then that test 
tends to point to Az tilt as the culprit.  But there are probably also 
different boresight pointing effects, so you'll sorta measure the 
relative scale of those...   And bending wires can also still contribute....



On 3/27/22 21:25, Rick Perley via evlatests wrote:
> Well — I certainly didn’t think I’d get so many suggestions!  A healthy sign.
> Regarding AC/BD:  Sadly, the data taken used only the AC side.
> The thinking seems to point to the antenna, rather than some geometrical origin.  To separate these effects, perhaps tracking 3C286 through transit in two different ways may help — (a) in the normal mode, and (b) using ‘over the top’.  If the effect is due to geometry (related to parallactic angle), these two should give the same results.  If due to the antenna, the different elevations (86 and 94 degrees at transit) should clearly show up as giving different magnitudes.
> I agree that software is unlikely — but to be sure, I can generate these plots with no calibration at all (since these are differential plots, the atmosphere and most electronics effects should cancel out).
> I’ll plot these phase differences against elevation — if a true elevation effect, all traces should lie on the same curve.  (I should have done that on Friday!).
> Regarding the choice of reference antenna — ea10 looks ‘reasonable’.  I will use a different antenna as reference (clearly, one of the ‘odd’ ones) — but the results are easy to anticipate — the current plots will have the new reference antennas’s curve added.  So I can hope that all (or most) of the ‘odd’ profiles will head to ‘zero’ (no elevation/HA effect), while the ‘even’ profiles will change in a way that I hesitate to predict … (depends on the magnitude of the ‘odd’ profile being added to the large ‘even’ profile).
> I probably won’t be able to do these checks until Monday afternoon.
> Rick
> Sent from my iPad
>> On Mar 25, 2022, at 10:23 PM, Craig Walker<cwalker at nrao.edu>  wrote:
>> This is an interesting puzzle.  Here are a few thoughts on the problem:
>> The higher dec sources have a very high rate of change of Azimuth and PA at transit.  The sharp peak in the R-L phase effect makes me think it is related.  The effect at the antennas with the single peak is much larger than the effect with the two peaks (one negative).  If all antennas, including the reference, have a peak at transit but of random sign and with slight and maybe random offsets from actual transit, you might get what is seen.  When an antenna's peak is of opposite sign from that of the reference antenna, the effects add and you get a single large peak.  When they are of the same sign, so they try to cancel in the difference, the slight offsets from actual transit give the two peak character.
>> The fact that the effect is scattered randomly over the array (really true?) suggests that it is some hardware effect not related to observing geometry.  Also it may be important to remember that the pads are tilted so that Az, El, and PA are the same at all antennas despite the Earth curvature over the array.
>> My first thought was that this all points to the azimuth cable wrap. But the fact that the values far from transit are the same on both sides doesn't match this too well.
>> With the VLBA, we get an amplitude effect that looks a bit like this at the point when the source is off the end of a baseline and the fringe rate goes through zero.  Then any clipper offsets, pulse cal tones or other signals that are the same at the sites correlate.  Could there be something in the VLA system of the sort that acts at transit?  That is definitely grasping at straws.
>> Definitely a puzzle.
>> Cheers,
>> Craig
>>> On 3/25/22 11:53 AM, Rick Perley via evlatests wrote:
>>>      This is a long circular -- apologies to all, but the subject is a bit complex ...
>>>      Many will remember a meeting called by Frank a few years ago where the subject was the very peculiar phase differences seen between the RCP and LCP phases when observing a source passing by the zenith.  The general conclusion was that 'we have no idea of what is going on'.
>>>      In preparation for an upcoming trip, I am reviewing my extensive observations, taken over the past decade or more, from projects with the goal of measuring, and implementing the 'absolute' D-terms.  (In other words, dispensing with the usual method of measuring the antenna polarizations with respect to an assumed standard (usually zero)).
>>>      One observation, taken in January 2019, is especially well suited to this task.  I observed four sources, through transit, for five hours, at three bands -- L, S, and C.
>>>      The four sources were:
>>>      3C286   dec = 30.5
>>>      OQ208  dec = 28.5
>>>      3C287    dec = 25.2
>>>      3C273    dec = 2.0
>>>      Note that OQ208 is completely unpolarized, while the others have varying degrees of polarization.  All sources transit south of the zenith.
>>>      The data are of exceptionally good quality.  The array was in the C configuration.
>>>      The attached plots show the R-L phases, using ea10 as the reference antenna.  Note that these are *not* the RL or LR correlation phases -- they are the differences between the antenna phase solutions using the RR and LL data, using ea10 as the reference.  This means the R-L dependence of ea10 is impressed on all the other antennas.  We are looking at differentials.
>>>      The plots show two antennas -- ea01 and ea12, which represent the two different symmetries seen in the data.  The x-axis is HA -- plots against time and parallactic angle jumble the results -- the dependencies seen are purely a function of HA.
>>>      Colors:  3C286 is red, Light green is OQ208, blue is 3C287, dark green is 3C273.
>>>      ea01 is of the even symmetry type.  Antennas 1 3 5 6 8 15 and 22 have this symmetry.
>>>      ea12 is of the odd symmetry type.  All other antennas show this, with the same sign -- positive difference before transit, negative difference after, with the possible exception of ea18. (For this antenna, the amplitude of the effect is very small, so the signature is hard to discern).  Three antennas were out of the array at the time:  7, 24 and 28.
>>>      Key points:
>>>      1) The phase signatures are *identical* for each band.  Same width, same height, same values, same symmetry.
>>>      2) The magnitude of the effect is sharply dependent on how close the zenith the source transits.  For 3C273, the effect is almost completely absent.
>>>      3) The effect is independent of source polarization.  OQ 208 has less than 0.1% polarization, and shows the same symmetry signature as the strongly polarized sources 3C286 and 3C287.
>>>      4) The location of the antennas is not related to the signature -- the 'even' antennas were located all over the array: W6, W18, E14, N6, N1, E12, and W12.
>>>      One conclusion is clear:  The effect has nothing to do with the beam squint.  And it is very hard to see how differences in the antenna pole direction can do this -- the required tilt magnitudes are just unreasonable.  And in any event, the parallactic angle is not a function of polarization -- it's an antenna quantity.
>>>      I have shown these data to two of our serious pundits (Barry and Steve), hoping for some insight.  None was forthcoming.  We are completely stumped.  It seems clear that the signatures are geometric in origin -- but how does this translate into such a clear signature in the phase *difference* between polarizations?
>>>      Any and all suggestions will be taken seriously!
>>>      Rick
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