[Difx-users] The problem of root_id, again, please

Alexey Melnikov xtra.spb at gmail.com
Fri Feb 8 09:45:03 EST 2019

Dear all,

Unfortunately, when that topic arise on the mail list, I have used another
email to send my solution (as a patch-file) and nobody received it. I want to fix this.

The solution in the latest DiFX code is too complex.

If somebody read the commentary text in the root_id.c file, he/she can learn
that "...unique code consisting of 6 lower-case alphabetic characters a-z. ..."

and in the function there are chars code[5] to code [0] got the new values
from current seconds number. For me, according to the commentary above and the
comment in the line "code[1] = 'a' + (elasped/456979) % 26;  /* 0 --> 'aaaaaa'
*/", it is obvious that there was made a simple typo in the code, on the next
line the author forgot to put "% 26;".

So the correct line should be "code[0] = 'a' + (elasped/11881376) % 26;"

I made this changes to my difx2mark4 source and hops's source and I am happy.
In case of using the latest solution of DiFX code one can get the problems with different
versions of hops/difx.

Best regards,
Alexey Melnikov

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