[Difx-users] Handling lin-pol data with difx2fits

Leonid Petrov Leonid.Petrov at lpetrov.net
Thu Apr 11 10:01:31 EDT 2019


  I got your point. But once again, the current version 2.5.2
just propagates hard-coded R and L babels no matter what is in the 
difx output. 

  Handling H and V is rather different than X and Y. And the data
analysis software should have a way to distinguish between X/Y
and H/V. How to handle experiments when ASKAP-29 records X and Y
in compliance with IAU definition and YARRA12M records H and V?
And some stations, say YARRA12M, for some period of time record  R/L
and for for other periods H/V. What is your suggestion? Keeping in 
mind an environment when we will have to process every day several 
experiments with different setups in quasi-automatic fashion.

  Related question: any ideas what kind of changes need be done 
for difx2fits to handle mixed polarization case when H/V is correlated
against R/L and H/V against R-only (or L-only)?


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