[Alma_na] Agenda for ALMA NA DH Videoconference on Friday, 3rd September

Janet Bauer jbauer at nrao.edu
Thu Sep 2 15:50:54 EDT 2004



Tomorrow (Friday, 3rd September) is the ALMA NA Division Heads
Videoconference.  It will take place at 12:00 noon ET, 16:00 UTC.  Room
locations are CV-311, TUC-N505, SOC-280 and GB-241.  Chile will be
teleconferencing in.  


Sep 3

12 p.m. ET

16:00 UTC

ALMA NA DH Videoconference

Calendar: multiple cals
Audio/Video/Both/Local: Audio/Video
Video hub: CV-311





1.	Summary of NSF Presentation and Feedback from NSF
2.	NA ALMA Project Organization

	a.	IPM - Lo
	b.	DPM - Rafal
	c.	BM - Porter
	d.	IC - Hubbard

3.	Relationship with JAO

	a.	Clarifying role of Richard Simon, JAO Controller
	b.	David Hubbard

4.	IPT Lines of Communication

	a.	Between NA IPT and NA PM and NA Executive
	b.	Between NA IPT and EU IPT
	c.	Between NA IPT and JAO
	d.	Between NA Executive and JAO

5.	PMCS Role in ALMA, Access by JAO and Executives
6.	IPT Leader - Budget Ownership and Accountability

	a.	Hiring of Schedulers to assist IPT Management of Cost
and Schedule

7.	Areas of Responsibility  (Shipping & Clearing Customs example
provided by John Payne)

I note that for the first shipment of cryogenic "stuff" from RAL to NRAO
the following people were involved. Mark Harman, Antonio Perfetto, John
Effland, myself, Denis Urbain and maybe John Delgado. This is ok on a
first shipment but in future I think it would be preferable just to have
one person on each side involved. I thought that for NRAO that was John.
If this is correct then we should make sure everyone knows about this.


Charlottesville Folks - since this meeting is being held during lunch
time, pizza will be provided.  Please bring your own liquid refreshment.







Janet Bauer

NRAO - ALMA North American Project Office

2496 Old Ivy Road, Suite 226

Charlottesville, VA 22903


434.296.0296      (phone)

434.296.0255      (fax)

jbauer at nrao.edu <mailto:jbauer at nrao.edu>  (E-mail)


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