[Alma_na] (no subject)

Fred K. Y. Lo flo at cv.nrao.edu
Wed Sep 1 12:13:12 EDT 2004

Dear colleagues,

There will be a number of issues to address and clarify on Friday's 
DHs' videoconference.  So, expect a long one.  It will be very important 
that all DH's take part, so we can clarify the ambiguities and  
uncertainties in the NA ALMA Project Team, and in the relationship between 
the Executives and the JAO.  JAO does not have the final word on 

Fundamentally, the success of the ALMA and therefore the NRAO's future is 
at stake.  Certainly, I intend to make sure our own house is in order, and 
then deal with the larger issues of overall ALMA organization and 
division of work when needed.

Fred K. Y. Lo
Director and Senior Scientist 
National Radio Astronomy Observatory

520 Edgemont Road
Charlottesville					       	Phone: 434 296 0221
VA 22903						Fax:   434 296 0385
U. S. A.						Web:   www.nrao.edu

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