[Alma_na] Email from Dr. Lo - Please Read!

Janet Bauer jbauer at nrao.edu
Mon Aug 30 09:54:21 EDT 2004

Dear NA IPT leads,


I understand that many of you have been going through your schedule and
budget as part of the PMCS implementation process and working on new
work elements.  I would like to remind you to send the new work elements
to Janet Bauer so that I can review them as part of our effort to review
the NA ALMA team's current plan and how to update the plan.  This
exercise has to be done pro-actively by the project manager with all of
you to make sure the inter-IPT dependencies are taken care of, and
eventually with the JAO and our European colleagues.  Therefore, it is
not an independent IPT exercise of just passing along new work elements
to the PMCS system.


When you have even a draft revision of your work elements, you should
submit them to the Project Office and we should start discussing them
within the NA ALMA Project.  The first discussion will take place during
the rescheduled NA DH Teleconference, this Friday, 3rd September
beginning at 10:30 am ET, 14:30 UTC.




Fred K. Y. Lo


Director and Senior Scientist

National Radio Astronomy Observatory


520 Edgemont Road

Phone: 434 296 0221

VA 22903
Fax:   434 296 0385

U. S. A.
Web:   www.nrao.edu






Janet Bauer

NRAO - ALMA North American Project Office

2496 Old Ivy Road, Suite 226

Charlottesville, VA 22903


434.296.0296      (phone)

434.296.0255      (fax)

jbauer at nrao.edu <mailto:jbauer at nrao.edu>  (E-mail)


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