[alma_na] FW: Massimo

Marc D. Rafal mrafal at nrao.edu
Wed Mar 12 16:04:02 EST 2003

I received the following message from Paul concerning Massimo. As soon
as I have more information I will pass it on.

As you can see, the AMAC will proceed as currently scheduled.


-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Vanden Bout [mailto:pvandenb at nrao.edu] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2003 3:59 PM
To: Fred K. Y. Lo; mrafal
Subject: Massimo

I found out a little from Dick Kurz.  Massimo is in the hospital with 
some (to us unknown) problem.  Stangalini may get the full story tonight

when he visits Massimo.  He undergoes surgery tomorrow.  A hospital stay

of 7-10 days follows, and a recovery period of 4-6 weeks.  I am not sure

what the recovery period entails, but presumably no travel.

I talked to Dickman.  We agreed that the AMAC meeting must proceed.  We 
will plan for that in the JAO telecon tomorrow.

Would Janet get this email out to all IPT leads and deputies?


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