Waiver Requested

William Pence pence at tetra.gsfc.nasa.gov
Mon Dec 22 15:07:24 EST 1997

Arnold Rots wrote (re: writing the new DATEXXXX format keywords):

> I don't think there is much of an issue here.  First, it's unlikely
> that any FITS file will be distributed before 1999.  Second, such
> files will likely be handled by ASC-provided software.  Third, if not
> handled by ASC-provided software, they are most likely to be read by
> software using FITSIO - which, I believe, will not fall over when it
> encounters the new format and even can be forced to write it
> prematurely (correct, Bill?).

None of the FITSIO/CFITSIO routines do anything with the DATEXXXX
keyword values and instead simply return the character string to the
calling program.  The problem (if any) will be in the application
programs themselves which try to parse the string value.  I don't know
of any HEASARC software which uses this keyword value for anything (we
use other keywords to define precise times), so changing the DATEXXXX
keyword format should not affect any of our software, as far as I know.

There is one FITSIO routine that writes the DATE keyword in the old
'DD/MM/YY' format.  I had planned to wait until 1999, as recommended in
the Year-2K convention, before changing to the new format.

-Bill Pence

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