[MODEST] Abstract Extension and Third Announcement for MODEST-16 NYC: A conference on gas and gravitational dynamics

Nathan Leigh nleigh at amnh.org
Wed Jun 1 00:23:47 EDT 2016

Dear colleagues,

The abstract submission deadline for the upcoming MODEST-16 NYC conference has been extended to June 15, 2016.  Thank you kindly for your patience, and to everyone who has submitted abstracts thus far.

The MODEST-16 NYC meeting, to be held from September 6-9, 2016 at the American Museum of Natural History in New York, will focus on the interplay between gas and stars in dense stellar systems (star clusters, dwarf galaxies, UCDs, galactic nuclei) and related processes (such as star formation, galaxy formation/evolution, black hole growth/accretion/dynamics, etc.) with an emphasis on the development of theoretical models, in particular numerical techniques.

The conference website, including more details regarding the science content for the conference, can be found here:  http://www.amnh.org/our-research/physical-sciences/astrophysics/events/modest-16-nyc.

Abstracts can be submitted here:  http://www.amnh.org/our-research/physical-sciences/astrophysics/events/modest-16-nyc/abstract-submission.

For full consideration from the SOC, all abstracts must be submitted on or before June 15, 2016.  The SOC will then review the submitted abstracts, and decide on a provisional program by June 30, 2016.  Participants will then be notified regarding the status of their submitted abstract.  Early registration begins on July 1, 2016.

Please forward this announcement along to the appropriate department within your respective institutions, or to any other colleagues you feel might be interested.  We look forward to seeing you at the upcoming MODEST-16 NYC meeting!

Kindest regards,

Nathan Leigh

On behalf of the local organizing committee:
Andreas Kuepper
Nick Stone
Sarah Pearson
Andrew Emmerick
Mordecai-Mark Mac Low
Gwen King
From: Nathan Leigh
Sent: Sunday, May 15, 2016 8:39 PM
To: Jillian Bellovary; Saavik K Ford; Barry L McKernan; joshua.e.wall at gmail.com; Michael Shara; miller at astro.umd.edu; Juan Camilo Ibanez Mejia; Jana Grcevich; asills at mcmaster.ca; David Zurek; spz at strw.leidenuniv.nl; mkrumhol at ucsc.edu; pavel at astro.uni-bonn.de; sambaran at astro.uni-bonn.de; nstone at phys.columbia.edu; spearson at astro.columbia.edu; gbryan at astro.columbia.edu; bmetzger at phys.columbia.edu; mfellhauer at astro-udec.cl; jpo at astro.princeton.edu; michiko.fujii at nao.ac.jp; h.baumgardt at uq.edu.au; boily at friedmann.u-strasbg.fr; mbd at astro.lu.se; tboeker at cosmos.esa.int; nluetzge at cosmos.esa.int; steven at rieder.nl; florent.renaud at gmail.com; spurzem at bao.ac.cn; dns at astro.princeton.edu; hperets at physics.technion.ac.il; jsamsing at princeton.edu; takamitsu.tanaka at stonybrook.edu; taeho.ryu at stonybrook.edu; rosalba.perna at stonybrook.edu; heinke at ualberta.ca; tremaine at ias.edu; klessen at uni-heidelberg.de; stella.offner at astro.umass.edu; dale at usm.lmu.de; walch at ph1.uni-koeln.de; mig at camk.edu.pl; Juan.Madrid at csiro.au; fabio.antonini at northwestern.edu; jerjwebb at iu.edu; kruijssen at MPA-Garching.MPG.DE; a-geller at northwestern.edu; murray at cita.utoronto.ca; Bill_Sherwood at gmx.de; C.Schwarz at elsevier.nl; Catherine.Lhostis at oca.eu; Chris.Biemesderfer at aas.org; Gordon.S.Banholzer at nasa.gov; Guenther.Eichhorn at springer.com; KIMM at astro.yale.edu; Kehoe at columbia.edu; Kerry.Kroffe at iop.org; Library at astro.uu.se; Marek.Wolf at mff.cuni.cz; Martial.Vaneecke at digilife.be; Mary.Ferguson at nrc-cnrc.gc.ca; Suzanne.Borde at obspm.fr; aaccomazzi at cfa.harvard.edu; alemio at utu.fi; amangano at oact.inaf.it; andreaw at sissa.it; asb at lowell.edu; astro-library at helsinki.fi; astro at paco.odessa.ua; astrofysisk.bibliotek at ub.uio.no; astroknjiz at astro.ago.uni-lj.si; aveliz at ctio.noao.edu; avollersen at hs.uni-hamburg.de; basia at ncac.torun.pl; bibl at asu.cas.cz; bibli at obs-mip.fr; biblio at iar.unlp.edu.ar; biblioteca at iaa.es; biblioteca at iafe.uba.ar; bjuarez at astro.unam.mx; bkern at uchicago.edu; bonnie.bullock at nrc-cnrc.gc.ca; boskenjj at yahoo.com; brenda.corbin at verizon.net; bryson at cfht.hawaii.edu; burkhardt at ari.uni-heidelberg.de; cali at ms.sxso.ac.cn; carlos at astro.ugto.mx; carnal at astron.nl; carriero at oato.inaf.it; catherine.beaussier at oamp.fr; cerdmann at cfa.harvard.edu; cfalib at astro.uni.torun.pl; chris at iiap.res.in; christophe.brocquet at obspm.fr; claudia.toniolo at oapd.inaf.it; cline at library.caltech.edu; cmrauber at umn.edu; cs at mira.org; cummins at astro.utoronto.ca; dalba at udgserv.cencar.udg.mx; dbigwood at hou.usra.edu; ddomina at oact.inaf.it; denotti at ca.astro.it; dilling at nbi.dk; direction.bibliotheque at obspm.fr; dmcgarry at library.ucla.edu; donata at astropa.inaf.it; doz at oats.inaf.it; dthompson at cfa.harvard.edu; dubois at simbad.u-strasbg.fr; e.stelmachow at astrouw.edu.pl; ebouton at nrao.edu; ehenneken at cfa.harvard.edu; ely at as.itb.ac.id; emc at mpa-garching.mpg.de; emiko at naoj.org; eowens at aip.org; eps at libr.canterbury.ac.nz; eva at astro.lu.se; fabrizio at ts.astro.it; fdefraigne at ulg.ac.be; ferrucci at mporzio.astro.it; flgrabowska at vassar.edu; france at arcetri.astro.it; frederic.saconnet at obspm.fr; g.a.wilkins at exeter.ac.uk; gasperi at arcetri.astro.it; gb at jslib.org.cn; gcaripoli at oact.inaf.it; genova at astro.u-strasbg.fr; ghf at bao.ac.cn; giobbi at mporzio.astro.it; glenda at hartrao.ac.za; gregory.shelton at navy.mil; gsantagati at oact.inaf.it; hardy at dtm.ciw.edu; harry.blom at springer.com; hefele at ari.uni-heidelberg.de; heinz at astro.ugto.mx; hgkim at kasi.re.kr; hmandel at lsw.uni-heidelberg.de; hnaimova at fc.ul.pt; holl at konkoly.hu; hopp at usm.uni-muenchen.de; hunt at noao.edu; hurnm at ast.cam.ac.uk; ikemura at kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp; jab at yerkes.uchicago.edu; jane at princeton.edu; jankovic at gothard.hu; jeffra.bussmann at uci.edu; jespinoza at astro-udec.cl; jgrula at obs.carnegiescience.edu; jimenez at astrosen.unam.mx; jkglenn at umich.edu; jlloveras at casleo.gov.ar; jma at ing.iac.es; jmanek at mbox.vol.cz; jmf at star.arm.ac.uk; joseph.murphy at yale.edu; jpostma at adlerplanetarium.org; jskim at kasi.re.kr; jzhang at pmo.ac.cn; k.m.abcouwer at uva.nl; katka at asu.cas.cz
Cc: eco at astro.princeton.edu; cen at astro.princeton.edu; shygenelastro at gmail.com; nbatta at astro.princeton.edu; cchayward at caltech.edu; walch at ph1.uni-koeln.de; rowanjsmith.astro at googlemail.com; thomas.peters at ita.uni-heidelberg.de; philipp at girichidis.com; glover at uni-heidelberg.de; p.clark at uni-heidelberg.de; martav at iap.fr; zweibel at astro.wisc.edu; heitsch at astro.wisc.edu; fheitsch at umunich.edu; jstone at astro.princeton.edu; kuiper at mpia.de; richard at wunsch.cz; christoph.federrath at anu.edu.au; mhanasz at astri.uni.pl; georges.meynet at unige.ch; alexander.heger at monash.edu; jill.naiman at cfa.harvard.edu; gbesla at as.arizona.edu; kcovey at astro.cornell.edu; vdhelm at strw.leidenuniv.nl; georgiev at mpia.de; zadeh at northwestern.edu
Subject: Second Announcement for MODEST-16 NYC: A conference on gas and gravitational dynamics

Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the upcoming MODEST-16 NYC meeting, to be held from September 6-9, 2016 at the American Museum of Natural History in New York.  The focus of the conference will be the interplay between gas and stars in dense stellar systems (star clusters, dwarf galaxies, UCDs, galactic nuclei) and related processes (such as star formation, galaxy formation/evolution, black hole growth/accretion/dynamics, etc.) with an emphasis on the development of theoretical models, in particular numerical techniques.

The conference website, including more details regarding the science content for the conference, can be found here:  http://www.amnh.org/our-research/physical-sciences/astrophysics/events/modest-16-nyc.

Abstracts can be submitted here:  http://www.amnh.org/our-research/physical-sciences/astrophysics/events/modest-16-nyc/abstract-submission.

For full consideration from the SOC, all abstracts must be submitted on or before May 31, 2016.  The SOC will then review the submitted abstracts, and decide on a provisional program by June 30, 2016.  Participants will then be notified regarding the status of their submitted abstract.  Early registration begins on July 1, 2016.

Please forward this announcement along to the appropriate department within your respective institutions, or to any other colleagues you feel might be interested.  We look forward to seeing you at the upcoming MODEST-16 NYC meeting!

Kindest regards,

Nathan Leigh

On behalf of the local organizing committee:
Andreas Kuepper
Nick Stone
Sarah Pearson
Andrew Emmerick
Mordecai-Mark Mac Low
Gwen King (gking at amnh.org)
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