[MODEST] Three Job Announcements

Rainer Spurzem spurzem at nao.cas.cn
Tue Aug 13 01:42:52 EDT 2013

   Dear MODEST members,

   here I want to announce three very different jobs, in three (four) countries, 
but all
  have something to do with MODEST subjects and with Silk Road Project in some way.
  Please read carefully and forward to potentially interested colleagues or 
  Any questions - please to me directly.

  1. Two software engineer positions with participation in the science projects
     are open at ARI/ZAH Heidelberg, which have a lot to do
     with GPU accelerated computing and the Collaborative  Research Center 
SFB881 at the
     University of Heidelberg. Though I am in China I am still the P.I. and 
supervisor of
     this project. More details please see 
http://www.manybody.org/modest/jobs.html .
     (Current period till end of 2014, candidate can help in defending the 
center for 4 more years).

  2. Postdoc Positions in the China-Chile cooperation funds, see
     http://jobregister.aas.org/job_view?JobID=45272 . Now there is a little 
secret, if you follow
     the link http://cassaca.bao.ac.cn/?page_id=115 given in the page, and then 
another link
     and then you look at project number (4) "Numerical Simulation Study on 
Dynamics of Stars,
     Gas, and Black Holes in AGNs", supervised by Jorge Cuadra, Thijs 
Kouwenhoven and me.
     So, anybody interested in some theoretical dynamical modelling of galactic 
nuclei CAN

  3. A Ph.D. student position is announced at Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical 
Center on
     star cluster simulations with MOCCA and N-Body, in close collaboration with 
Silk Road
     Project, supervisor is Mirek Giersz, see 
https://www.camk.edu.pl/en/phd/phd_theses/ ,
     look for MOCCA.

  Best wishes

  Rainer Spurzem, Professor, State Specially Recruited Expert, Office A121
  National Astronomical Observatories of China, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  NAOC/CAS, 20A Datun Rd., Chaoyang District, Beijing 100012, China
  spurzem at nao.cas.cn  Office: +86 10 6480 6001     http://silkroad.bao.ac.cn
  Astronomisches Rechen-Institut (ARI)          spurzem at ari.uni-heidelberg.de
  Zentrum für Astronomie Univ. Heidelberg (ZAH), Germany
  The Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics at Peking University
In the beginning the universe was created. This has made a lot of people
very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move. (Douglas Adams)

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