[MODEST] a summer school in Second Life ?

Piet Hut piet at ias.edu
Wed Apr 15 22:36:54 EDT 2009

Hi everybody!

It has been rather quiet on our MODEST email list for a long time.
One reason is that we have shifted some of our activities into the
virtual world of Second Life, starting a year ago, when we moved
MICA there, the Meta Institute for Computational Astrophyics; see
our web site http://www.mica-vw.org/ .

One of the MICA activities is a weekly one-hour workshop that we
run every Thursday morning from 7 to 8 am PDT, California time, or
10 to 11 am EDT, New York time, or 3 to 4 pm in the UK, 4 to 5 pm
in Amsterdam, 11 pm to midnight in Japan, and midnight to 1 am in
Sydney.  For more information, see


Our most recent discussion there has focused on the possibility of
organizing a kind of virtual summer school in Second Life.  If you
have any interest in participating yourself or having your students
participate, please come join us during our weekly workshop, a very
informal gathering in which do some brainstorming which hopefully
will result in some concrete actions (such as summer schools).

And/or you can join our MICA simulations email group; see the web site


We are looking forward to meeting you in-world on Thursday mornings
and hearing from you through our micasimulations email group.  At this
point, we are not sure when and how to run a virtual summer school; we
are just starting to put together some ideas.  So any suggestions will
be very welcome!



  Piet Hut                              email: piet at ias.edu
  Institute for Advanced Study          tel.:  (609)734-8075
  1 Einstein Drive                      fax:   (609)951-4402
  Princeton, NJ 08540-0631              web:   http://www.ids.ias.edu/~piet

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