[MODEST] MODEST-9 workshop

MODEST-9 modest9 at einstein.physics.drexel.edu
Fri Dec 5 10:38:13 EST 2008

MODEST-9 (MOdeling DEnse STellar systems-9) workshop

Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics
University of California, Santa Barbara
January 17-18.

The MODEST-9 workshop will be held at the KITP-Santa Barbara on
January 17-18 immediately after the KITP conference on ``Formation and
Evolution of Globular Clusters''

With MODEST-9, we are going back to the original format of MODEST
workshops with a very small number of formal talks and a lot of time
left for informal discussions and contributions.

The workshop will start in the afternoon of Friday January 17 with
four introductory talks  and will continue Saturday January 18 with a
few parallel sessions.  We have currently three parallel sessions
scheduled for Saturday (http://clusters09.wikispaces.com/MODEST-9):

1-Multiple stellar populations in globular clusters, 2-MUSE Multiscale
Multiphysics Scientific Environment, 3-On the disagreement between
theory and observations in cluster structural properties.

No formal registration and no registration fee are required to attend
the MODEST-9 workshop but

**** please send an e-mail to modest9 at physics.drexel.edu ****

to let us know if you are planning to attend and if you are going to
attend only the Friday session or both the Friday and the Saturday sessions.

Best regards
the SOC (Steve McMillan-Chair, John Fregeau, Enrico Vesperini)

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