[MODEST] Possibly interesting upcoming conference JENAM 2007 /EAS Symp. No. 6

Rainer Spurzem spurzem at ari.uni-heidelberg.de
Mon Apr 30 06:31:36 EDT 2007

 Dear colleagues,

 please have a look at the MODEST-7e announcement for Yerevan, Armenia,


 for a potentially interesting upcoming conference. I am trying today to get the
abstract deadline moved two weeks later (May 1 to May 15).

 For more background info see

 http://www.aras.am/JENAM-2007/program.htm (General Program Schedule)
 http://www.aras.am/JENAM-2007/topics.htm (Session Plan)

 http://www.aras.am/JENAM-2007/abstract_form.php  (Abstract Form Deadline May 1)

 Registration: http://www.aras.am/JENAM-2007/registration.htm

Categories of participants      Before June 1, 2007     After June 1, 2007
EAS and ArAS members    200 Euros       240 Euros
Other participants      240 Euros       280 Euros
Accompanying persons    120 Euros       140 Euros

 http://www.aras.am/JENAM-2007/travel_visas.htm (Travel and Visa)

 Note that the Armenian Webpage http://www.aras.am/JENAM-2007/EASsymp06.htm is
outdated, hopefully will be updated soon. The 'official' copy is the one kept at
ARI Heidelberg as seen on top.

 I am happy to give any assistance with travel advice and such. Young student or
postdoc participants are strongly encouraged to seek support from the European
Astronomical Society (EAS) or from their national societies affiliated to EAS.

 The SOC of EAS Symp. No. 6 will be able to initiate official invitations with
the Armenian JENAM organisers if necessary.

 Best wishes


 Rainer Spurzem                                spurzem at ari.uni-heidelberg.de
 Astronomisches Rechen-Institut (ARI)                 Phone +49-6221-54-1830
 Zentrum für Astronomie Univ. Heidelberg (ZAH)        Fax   +49-6221-54-1888
 Mönchhofstrasse 12-14, 69120 Heidelberg
 The Rhine Stellar Dynamical Network - http://www.ari.uni-heidelberg.de/rsdn
In the beginning the universe was created. This has made a lot of people
very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move. (Douglas Adams)

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