Steve McMillan steve at physics.drexel.edu
Fri Dec 23 14:17:30 EST 2005

Dear MODEST Astronomer,

    I am considering the possibility of hosting next Winter's MODEST satellite meeting in Philadelphia, and would appreciate some feedback on possible dates.  Please let me know if you would be (or might be) interested in attending and, if so, which of the following you'd prefer:

        December 13-16, 2006 (Wed-Sat)
        December 18-21, 2006 (Mon-Thu)
        January 3-6, 2007 (Wed-Sat)
        January 15-18, 2007 (Mon-Thu)

The December dates are a little later than we have had in the past, in order to accommodate my teaching schedule.  The January dates come immediately before and immediately after the American Astronomical Society winter meeting.

    I look forward to your comments.

Steve McMillan

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