Alison Sills asills at mcmaster.ca
Wed Jan 14 07:39:52 EST 2004

Dear MODEST astronomers, 

On this, the last day of the MODEST-4 meeting, I would like to draw
your attention to the plans for MODEST-5. It will be held on 11-14
August in Hamilton, Ontario. I hope you will be able to join me for
another interesting and productive meeting.

The format for the meeting is not yet settled, but it will follow the
tradition of the MODEST meetings by being an informal gathering of
researchers with the common interests of dense stellar systems and the
secrets they contain. I have asked that the participants at MODEST-4
discuss what format they would like to see. Please feel free to make
suggestions by email even if you are not at the meeting.

Even though it is currently -20C in Hamilton, I can assure you that in
August, Hamilton is a much warmer (more like +30C!) and friendlier
place. Hamilton is an hour's drive west of Toronto, and about 45
minutes from Niagara Falls. If there is sufficient interest, I will
organize a trip to see the Falls. 

For more information about the meeting, including travel directions,
hotels, etc, please look at the MODEST-5 web page
http://www.manybody.org/modest/Workshops/modest-5.html. And feel free
to contact me (asills at physics.mcmaster.ca) if you have any questions or
suggestions. My colleagues at McMaster University and I are looking
forward to welcoming you in August. 


alison sills

Alison Sills
Assistant Professor
Department of Physics and Astronomy
McMaster University

(905) 525-9140 x24189

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