[MODEST] public outreach

James Lombardi lombardi at vassar.edu
Thu Oct 2 09:58:40 EDT 2003

Dear MODEST colleague,

During MODEST-3, we decided to initiate a outreach effort directed
toward students, journalists, and the general public.  Since then, Piet 
and Steve asked me to coordinate an outreach web page, that has now been 
incorporated as a tenth working group:


The page provide links to popular short summaries, informative and 
attractive pictures and animations, and press release type statements of 
work relevant to MODEST.  I have done my best to dig up relevant pages 
but have doubtlessly missed many.  Therefore, please take a moment to 
look at the outreach page and ***send me any links that you would like 
to see included.***  This could be a good way to attract a large number 
of people to your work!

Thank you very much, and I hope all is well.


  James Lombardi                               Phone:  (845) 437-7081
  Assistant Professor of Physics                 Fax:  (845) 437-5995
  Department of Physics and Astronomy
  Vassar College
  124 Raymond Ave.
  Mail Drop 562
  Poughkeepsie, NY 12604-0562    http://faculty.vassar.edu/~lombardi/

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