[MODEST] theory postdoc positions at Northwestern

Fred Rasio rasio at northwestern.edu
Tue Nov 12 18:33:26 EST 2002

Please Circulate:


Dearborn Observatory
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Northwestern University
Evanston, IL 60208-2900
Phone: 847 491 7650
Attention: Secretary, Theory Postdoc Positions

E-mail submissions: Ben Acheff, b-acheff at northwestern.edu
E-mail inquiries to: Vicky Kalogera, vicky at northwestern.edu

A minimum of two and possibly more postdoctoral positions in theoretical
astrophysics will be available in the Department of Physics and Astronomy
at Northwestern University with possible starting dates as early as
January 2003. The Theoretical Astrophysics Group at Northwestern currently
includes Profs. V. Kalogera, F. Rasio and R. Taam, four postdoctoral
fellows (K. Belczynski, J. Faber, P. Grandclement, and N. Ivanova) and
five graduate students. We are particularly interested in candidates with
interests and prior experience in the following research areas: compact
object physics, gravitational wave sources and data analysis, numerical
relativity and relativistic hydrodynamics, binary stellar evolution, X-ray
and nuclear astrophysics, dense star cluster dynamics, and extra-solar
planetary systems. Initial appointments will be for 2 years with likely
renewal for a third year. Applications from women and minority candidates
are especially encouraged.

Applicants should send their CV, list of publications, a brief statement
of research interests (up to 4 pages), and arrange for a minimum of 3
recommendation letters to be received by December 15, 2002. Later
applications will be considered until all positions are filled.

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