[Mnj] ftp server was down, request for help

Eric Greisen egreisen at nrao.edu
Tue May 24 10:37:22 EDT 2005

As a number of you found, our ftp server was out of action yesterday.
There was a prolonged power failure Sunday evening and two of its
disks failed on the reboot.  Fortunately, backups were very current
and everything has been restored.

Occasionally we find a user site installs AIPS and starts up a MNJ
from an account that clearly does not read its e-mail, i.e. some
administrative account.  That is never a good idea - things can go
wrong.  But it is particularly bad to do right off until it is clear
that the MNJ will run successfully as a cron job.  (Frequently, cron
jobs have almost no environment when they start, compared to a rich
environment when the same user starts an interactive session.)

The case in point has the two e-mail addresses like

       linadm at mpia-hd.mpg.de

and the first of their MNJ reports that I saw (they come to
aipsmgr at nrao.edu) had a long diff in CHANGE.DOC but attempted almost
no compilations.  The compilation it attempted failed.  I think this
site needs my help to get things cleaned up, but cannot reach them.
If any one out there has some idea who they are, please either contact
them or me.

Thanks, and sorry for yesterday's problems,

Eric Greisen

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