[Mnj] Change

Eric Greisen egreisen at nrao.edu
Thu Apr 28 15:44:50 EDT 2005

We have changed from bob - an old RedHat 7.2 machine to dave a newer
RedHat 9 machine.  In so doing we are updating our Linux binaries to
GNU 3.2.3 a version I hope is reliable.

Unfortunately, I made some typos and the cvs daemon was not running on
dave so last night's preparation for the MNJ went astray as did all
attempts to connect to mnj.aoc.nrao.edu with cvs.  Things have been
more or less fixed we hope and MNJs after 9 am or so (Mountain
daylight time) should have worked.

Sorry for the confusion, but the new machine should enable us to
serve the AIPS community better.


Eric Greisen

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