[Mnj] Today's MNJ

Eric Greisen egreisen at nrao.edu
Tue Dec 3 11:40:40 EST 2002

Yesterday I did a remove of $APGNOT/LWPLA.FOR and $YPGNOT/KNTR.FOR
followed by a putbck of $YPGM/LWPLA.FOR and $YPGM/KNTR.FOR.  The MNJ
seems to have ignored the remove when using cvs - the files are still
there.  The first causes little problem but the COMLNK proc is too
smart and so causes the second to be a real headache.  You will need
to do by hand



Sorry about the inconvenience.  We will see if we can figure out what
is wrong with the remove.

Eric Greisen

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