No subject

Thu Jul 24 13:54:52 EDT 2014

'The press conference at the AAS meeting seemed to go well. The reporters had
been hearing a lot at the meeting about Galaxies and Population III stars in
the early universe and wanted to know what impact the SMA would have on
cosmological issues. They also asked about the emission from the vicinity
of the black hole in the center of our Galaxy, the probing of the Martian
atmosphere and the relationship of the SMA to th ALMA. So far, the only
press coverage has been in, which ran a nice story on JAN 9
along with images of the 5-element array and NGC253 with the SMA map
superimposed ('

  I was amused to visit the site and find that netscape had
decided to provide me with an extra window touting the world's largest
casino.  Presumably no relation.


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