[mmaimcal] [Almasci] Sci IPT telecon 2009-12-16 15:30 UT

MORITA, Koh-Ichiro morita at nro.nao.ac.jp
Wed Dec 16 04:25:49 EST 2009

Dear Richard,

Sorry for my late reply.
I will attend the telecon at 15:30 UT.


2009/12/16 5:03, Richard Hills wrote:
> I am very sorry about this everybody but I have an unavoidable conflict 
> at 14:30 UT so I would like to do this at 15:30 UTC.  This is completely 
> unreasonable time for our East Asian colleagues but I am afraid that 
> moving earlier is also difficult so I suggest that we set up a separate 
> call for the EA Science people in the next few days.
> Al Wootten wrote:
>> Contact Information
>> * 2009-12-16 14:30 UT
>> Note UT time unchanged. Summer time only in Chile now.
>> * Duration: 1 hr
>> * Toll Number: NEW; Old number cancelled 1-203-480-8549
>> * USA Toll Free Number: NEW; Old number cancelled 866-600-8836
>> * Passcode: NEW; Old number cancelled 3283890
>> * Leader: Hills, Wootten, Testi, Morita
>> Please update the agenda with issues you may wish to discuss at:
>> https://safe.nrao.edu/wiki/bin/view/ALMA/16Dec09Agenda
>> Clear skies,
>> Al
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