[mmaimcal] Meeting

Al Wootten awootten at nrao.edu
Tue Sep 12 09:59:17 EDT 2006


There will be a colloquium at the regular Sci IPT time today.  I'd like
to schedule a short meeting, however, to discuss Sci IPT activities during
the upcoming awakening of the ALMA Test Facility.  Let's try to meet at
1:00 pm EDT.

# USA Toll Free Number: 877-874-1919
# Toll Number: +1-203-320-9891
# Passcode: 185064 

* ATF activities and scheduling
* ESAC, ASAC and upcoming ANASAC meetings.
The ASAC agenda is at:
Science IPT members should familiarize themselves with the documents
attached to the agenda, but not necessarily before 1pm EDT today!

Clear skies,
| Alwyn  Wootten   (http://www.cv.nrao.edu/~awootten/)	 |
| Project Scientist, Atacama Large Millimeter Array/US   |
| Astronomer, National Radio Astronomy Observatory       |        
| 520 Edgemont Road, Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475, USA |
| (434)-296-0329 voice             (434)-242-4713 cell   |
| (434)-296-0278 FAX               Help us build ALMA    |        

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