[mmaimcal] Make home improvements, or take-cash out i 6975 zzqo

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Tue Jul 5 02:21:53 EDT 2005

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After a few days Betty introduced the children to Emil, the delegate responsible for the food tents. Emil had found some rope and short boards; he was using these supplies to hang a couple swings in trees. A small group of children stood and watched every move Emil made as he put up the swings. Soon more and more children came to watch. When Emil had constructed the swings, he beckoned the children to come closer. No one moved. Then he saw Amina. He lifted her onto the swing and gently pushed. Amina held on for dear life, with a look of terror on her face. As the swing glided back and forth, she realized she was not going to fall and she relaxed. Soon the children were crowding around, taking turns swinging and pushing each other. Even frail Salma allowed Amina to help her into the swing and gently push her.

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