[mmaimcal] Re: [alma-sw-ssr] question aboutfrequency/band switching speeds and rates

Bryan Butler bbutler at nrao.edu
Fri Feb 4 16:24:15 EST 2005

yes - this is why i had the answer wrong on my first cut (not that i 
still don't have it wrong, but at least now it's more a matter of style 
of how we want to do OTFI rather than just plain getting it wrong)!  the 
slew rate for fast switching is like 1d/sec.  but if you want it to stay 
within the pointing specs, it's 3'/sec.  and, yes, encoder values should 
be available (i'm writing that into the s/w spec).


On 2/4/05 13:19, Brian Glendenning wrote:
> Supposedly the interferometric OTF scanning rate (unlike the SD rate) is
> slow enough that the antennas should point as well as they do at sidereal
> rate. I assume the actual encoder values are available in any event.
> Cheers,
> Brian

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