[mmaimcal]organizing extragalactic breakout session

Christine Wilson wilson at physics.mcmaster.ca
Tue May 4 10:17:20 EDT 2004

Hi, Chris,

Yes, with 4 talks, I think we can safely assume that will take up about an
hour. We might issue another invitation to anyone with a poster to show a
just one or two viewgraphs as an advertizement; that will take a bit more
time, but won't eat up the whole session, as we have 2.5 hours.

It would be helpful to know where the other breakout sessions have gotten
to in their planning and what ideas they have besides having short
individual talks.

Other ideas for discussion I've had bouncing around in my head are
- discussion of early science in general:

	- do people think there should be something like key
	projects/legacy projects done in a formal way in early science?
	otherwise what do we do with the 10 groups who will all want to
	observe all the known SCUBA sources or the Hubble Ultra Deep

	- if there won't be "legacy projects" of obvious things, do we
	need to think about organizing the community to do them anyway? or
	how do we make sure that we organize ourselves with the Europeans
	who are interested in the same things? or to be blunt, how do we
	make sure the Europeans don't organize themselves and leave us

	- what projects do people think are obvious things to do in Early
	Science? can they be done well with just 6-10 telescopes?

	- synergy with other surveys that are in the works (i.e. SCUBA-2,
	Herschel, Spitzer, etc.)

- discussion of the ALMA Science Center from a user's perspective
	- what do the people in the room think it is most critical for the
	ALMA Science Center to provide to the user? what would be nice but
	not critical to be provided?

- overview of projects in the DRSP
	- this could be done by you or me or divided between us. If we
	think we haven't got enough stuff to fill the 2.5 hours, this
	would be worthwhile to give the people present an idea of the
	spread of ALMA extragalactic science

I'm sure there are other things like this we can plan to have a discussion
on. Let's plan to finalize this in Cambridge, I'm going to be really tired
Thursday evening in Washington.

Chris W.

On Tue, 4 May 2004, Chris Carilli wrote:

> the section looks pretty thin.
> let's assume the 4 talks take 1hr or so.
> gotta figure out something else to do.
> I could talk about some EoR stuff, if it
> really came down to it, but would rather hear
> from community.
> we need some points of discussion.   is there a questionaire
> planned?
> Chris -- perhaps we can sit down either
> thursday night or sometime in Cambridge and
> think about what to do during the session?
> cc

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