[mmaimcal]Meeting today

Al Wootten awootten at nrao.edu
Tue Jan 27 15:30:54 EST 2004

I had thought we would have a short meeting today to discuss:

* News
* Operations Group discussions
  Action item:  What ALMA modes supported at ATF?
                What ALMA modes supported at Early Science?
                How are additional modes staged?
* NA-ASC plans
* Total Power detectors
* Calibration of ALMA document and the Calibration Plan.
  Status of plan for amplitude devices
  Status of Gibson-Welch project
* Science Requirements document and CCB meeting.

However, I am in an endless telecaucus of the NA ALMA Board which will
probably run into our time period.  Therefore let us cancel today's meeting.
I hope Tetsuo didn't set his alarm clock and wake up early!

This can be a nucleus for next week's discussion.

All Charlottesville employees:
The Charlottesville facilities will shut down today (Tuesday, January 
27th) at 4:00 PM.  The roads continue to ice over and travel is becoming 
more difficult.  All employees are asked to exercise extra caution on 
hills, highway on-ramps, and bridges.  Please call the NRAO emergency 
line (434.296.0200) for the latest in Charlottesville facility status.  

Clear skies,

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