[mmaimcal]Construction funding approved by ESO Council

Al Wootten awootten at NRAO.EDU
Tue Jul 9 10:12:57 EDT 2002

Dear colleagues,

I just received the good news from London that the ESO council has
approved the European participation in ALMA!!

Congratulations and many thanks to everyone who has worked so hard to
make this historic decision possible.


I just received word that the ESO Council unanimously approved the
participation of ESO as a 50% partner in the ALMA project. This is an
important milestone that solidifies the transition to construction. You will
recall the NSF National Science Board already approved the use of the
current fiscal year ALMA funds to start construction on the US side. Later
this summer, the NSB will vote on approval for the remaining years of ALMA

The strong endorsement by the ESO Council acknowledges the hard work and
remarkable progress made both in Europe and North America during the Design
and Development phase. I hope each of you consider this a personal victory
as well as a victory for the ALMA project.


Marc Rafal

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