[mmaimcal]first step on compact config design evaluation

Mark Holdaway mholdawa at nrao.edu
Mon Jan 28 13:25:16 EST 2002

I am aiming to evaluate the compact configuration designs
and to eventually help shape the 2 or 3 compact configurations.
This is my suggested starting point, and I am putting this out to
you for comments.

What to evaluate:

	* mosaic image quality
	* sensitivity losses due to shadowing
	* beam elipticity

This order reflects my opinion of the importance of
each item.  However, the sensitivity loss and beam elipticity
will determine if we should even bother looking at the image quality.

As a starting point, I propose to simulate mosaic images
with a) thermal noise and b) pointing errors, 
for declinations

-70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 

The full declination range
-90 ==> +60 will be simulated later as we investigate the
extreme delcination configurations.

We have three configurations:

Webster: the most compact (probably not possible)
Kogan: intermediate
Boone: the least compact


Ultimately we want a complete set of configurations for all
declination ranges.  At the very least, this means selecting
a compact configuration and then making one or two hybrids from
inner Conway intermediate array stations.  At the other end of
this process, we could drive the inner parts of the Conway array.

I do not see a closed loop in which simulation results drive the
relocation of stations heuristically.  In fact, I am not sure how
to drive the relocation of stations.  Any ideas?


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