[mmaimcal]memo 372 review - butler

Bryan Butler bbutler at aoc.nrao.edu
Wed Aug 28 16:11:59 EDT 2002

Memo Review

Memo: 372 - An Amplitude Calibration Strategy for ALMA
      Moreno & Guilloteau, 2002May10

Reviewer: Bryan Butler  (unsolicited)

Date Received: 2002Aug28



The title for this memo is somewhat misleading, as it treats issues
which would not normally be thought of as "amplitude calibration" (in 
the traditional way).  But, formally, these issues do impact the ability
to calibrate the amplitudes - it's just that folks may be surprised to 
open up the memo and find, e.g., a discussion on focus.  Nearly all 
aspects of calibration are discussed and treated (except polarization, 
which is specifically excluded), and as such I think it can serve as a 
valuable basis for further discussion on the complete calibration scheme
for ALMA.  But the memo suffers from a number of flaws which prohibit 
it from being accepted as is as a recipe for the calibration scheme for 
ALMA.  In addition, there are a number of places where assumptions or 
statements are made with no discussion or corroborative evidence ("proof
by assertion").  Two examples: 'Moreover, polarized emission from the
asteroid edges will be a larger fraction than for the small planets or 
giant satellites.' - this statement is not discussed or defended, and 
is not strictly correct; and 'Since the accuracy of opacity correction 
allows to take a source 10 deg away,...' - again, not defended or 
discussed, and I'm not sure that it is correct either.  These kinds of 
statements are sprinkled throughout, making the document mostly a
collection of qualitative arguments lacking rigour.  Again, it's a nice 
framework for discussion and further refinement, but cannot be taken 
as is.  To me, the 2 most important points of the memo are: the 
importance of the sideband gain ratio calibration (I think this needs 
more work); and the suggestion to relax the 1% accuracy spec to 3% in 
the submm (this needs more discussion, but is certainly reasonable to 
consider at least).

Let me now make more specific comments on the memo:

p.2: 'However, they have not yet been measured or modeled with better
   than 5% accuracy.'  This is not right - Gene Serabyn has numbers
   on Uranus and Neptune that he thinks are accurate to a few %
   and perhaps better (see his DPS paper from the Pasadena DPS, or his
   contribution the the IAU Morocco site testing meeting if there is 
   nothing more recent on this from him).

   'In most cases, going from 5% to 1% typically implies 25 times
   longer calibration times.'  This is only true if you are thermally
   limited in your errors at both 5% and 1%.  

p.3: 'For a single-dish telescope, the last term plays no role.' 
   This is not true for large single dishes.  The LMT, for instance,
   will have to worry about this.  For a single dish the effect is
   much smaller, of course, but it is just decorrelation on a size
   scale equal to the diameter of the antenna.  The effect may be
   very small, and might be negligible for 12-m antennas on the
   Chajnantor site, but it is not correct to say that it 'plays no

   Here is the first elaboration of what the authors perceive as
   the necessary 'calibrations' - what will be discussed further in
   the memo.  I agree with most of it, and will make some comments
   later on specific disagreements, but let me make one comment here.
   'decorrelation estimates' are included in item 6.  If we have
   data that is significantly decorrelated on the timescale of 
   fast switching or WVR calibration, then we are in real trouble.
   That is the point of having those calibrations - to avoid the
   decorrelation, i.e., make it possible to track accurately the 
   phase variations on short timescales and correct them in the data.

p.4: I find the description of an observing session extremely
   confusing.  What is 'nf'?  'na'?  etc...

p.5&6: There are several problems with the discussion on the emission
   from planets, satellites, and asteroids:
      - The uncertainties on Uranus and Neptune are better than 5%,
        if you believe Gene Serabyn's most recent results.
      - Titan's mm/submm continuum is *not* known to 5% accuracy.
      - Polarization at mm/submm wavelengths is *not* negligible
        for Titan (in the long-mm, surface emission contributes a
        significant amount, in the submm, there may be polarization
        from large haze/cloud particles).
      - Modelling the planets and satellites as a smooth isothermal
        dielectric sphere is a mistake.  There is no reason to do this, 
        either - especially the isothermal part, but also the smooth 
        part (and, in addition, the spatially homogenous assumption 
        which is implicit here).  If such assumptions are made, there 
        is no way we will reach 1%.  We should use proper models which 
        have temperatures calculated properly, and use all available 
        information on surface and subsurface properties for planets, 
        satellites, and asteroids.
      - The polarized emission from the asteroid 'edges' is no more
        than that from the satellites or solid body planets, at least
        for the larger (spheroidal) ones [which are the only ones
        useful in this context].  The physical mechanism is the same,
        being caused by the different Fresnel transmittivities in the
        2 different linear polarizations as the emission passes through
        the surface-to-atmosphere interface.  The only difference is 
        in the 'order' (or regularity, if you will) of the polarized
        response.  Asteroids will have a somewhat more disordered 
        polarization response because their topography/roughness is a 
        larger fraction of their size.  However, for the larger 
        asteroids (> 150 km diameter or so - the only ones useful in 
        this respect), this should be a small effect, and good shape 
        models can be used to ameliorate the problem.  See Lagerros' 
        papers on this.
      - There is a major problem with using the giant planet 
        satellites in this way - we do not understand physically why
        the brightness temperature is depressed as it is at mm
        wavelengths, so we have trouble modelling it successfully.
        The authors quote Muhleman & Berge (1991), but leave out 
        this important finding from that paper - I quote from it:
        "Much work remains to be done to explain the anomalous 
        behavior of the Galilean Satellites in both microwave emission
        and radar backscattering."
      - Another problem with using the large icy satellites is that
        they are not distributed on the sky very uniformly.  Asteroids
        do not suffer from this problem, of course.
   I think that because of these arguments, asteroids might be much
   more useful than the authors conclude.  They are relatively bright,
   relatively small, have relatively easily modeled emission (including 
   the light curves - see recent papers/theses by Lagerros and Muller),
   and are well distributed across the sky (one is observable at most

p.7: In discussion on quasars as primary calibrators: 'At the
   Chajnantor site, given the variety of hour angle and declination,
   one of them will be available at anytime for bandpass calibration.'
   We may find that we want the bandpass calibrator near the source
   of interest, not just anywhere in the sky.  This is certainly the
   case at the VLA.  It will depend on the stability of the bandpass
   with time, temperature, antenna motion, etc...

   In addition, I think that the quasars might actually be useful
   at the long-mm wavelengths (we use 3C286 at the VLA at 7mm,
   and the accuracy is limited mostly by the uncertainty on the
   brightness temperature of Mars).

section 4: I find this section nearly useless, since the phase 
   fluctuation statistics from the STI were not used.  I'm not sure 
   how the authors attempted to represent the correlation between the 
   various parameters, since it is not discussed, but I view it with 
   skepticism.  A proper treatment of this should use mostly the phase 
   from the STI and opacity from the 225 GHz tipper (scaled properly 
   with frequency) [a possible addition is the change of temperature 
   with time, i.e., dT/dt, since during dawn or dusk the temperature 
   gradient will be large and you probably won't want to observe in 
   the submm then because of antenna thermal deformations].

p.12,13: Why use 'several "simple" approximations" to Tsys?  Why not
   simply calculate it, or use what has been published before in ALMA

section 6: I did not go through these sections much at all because
   memos 422 and 423 supersede this section.

section 7.1: The discussion here is correct, but the authors seem to
   be operating under the assumption that every observing program will
   need to calibrate delays.  I disagree.  The delay only needs to be 
   determined once (each time an antenna is moved and reconnected) per 
   antenna.  It may need to be done once per feed/Rx system, but even
   that remains to be seen (there may simply be a stable difference
   between each band).

section 7.2: This is an important point, and one that has not received
   enough attention, I think.  Is this calibratable a priori?  How
   strong a function of frequency within a given band is the effect?
   We need some interaction with the engineers on this topic.

sections 7.3 and 7.4: I do not understand the distinction between
   'fine scale' and 'large scale' bandpass.  The bandpass is the 
   bandpass.  It might be different on source (could be narrow) and 
   secondary calibrator [*not* the 'bandpass calibrator'] (always wide 
   bandwidth), so will have to be measured in 2 correlator 
   modes/frequencies, but I fail to see the reason to separate it into
   fine scale and large scale bandpass.  The discussion of the 
   coherent source in the subreflector to calibrate the bandpass is
   good, and we need to visit that topic in more detail.

section 7.5: It is appropriate to bring this up, and, again, we need
   more discussion on this (especially in combination with the 
   coherent device in the subreflector).  I'm not sure I agree with 
   the statement that it will take 100 times longer to calibrate it
   than the bandpass or sideband gain ratio.  I'm also not sure what 
   they mean by a 'half-wavelength modulation scheme to reduce any 
   standing wave pattern'.  Maybe this is well known in some circles, 
   but I am not sure what they are referring to.

section 8: I don't know why they use a 'semi-optimized five point
   method' when scanning circles or continuous triangles have been
   shown to be more efficient (see e.g., Steve Scott's OVRO memo on
   how they do it there).  I would argue against using 'major 
   satellites' for pointing.  The variable emission from the primary 
   (variable because it's moving around in the beam) will probably 
   confuse things more than we want.  Asteroids, on the other hand,
   might be quite useful for this.  The calculation shown in Figure 3
   is a nice one, but despite all of this observers may wish to
   determine pointing *at the observing frequency*.  Theoretically, 
   it only needs to be determined at one frequency and then have 
   (presumably) well-known collimation offsets applied for the other
   frequencies.  In practice, this does not work as well as one would
   hope, and our experience at the VLA is that if you want to do the
   highest dynamic range/fidelity/sensitivity mapping observations
   you want to determine the pointing at the observing frequency
   rather than determining it at, say, 3.5 cm and then applying the
   collimation offsets.  I like very much the discussion on looking
   at a number of nearby sources to get a 'local pointing model'.
   This is a good concept and one we should adopt as the working
   model for pointing calibration, I think.

section 9: The discussion here is good and I think correct, but I would
   make a similar argument here as for the delay determination.  The
   focus needs to be determined only once per antenna per receiver 
   cartridge, and perhaps as a function of elevation (although the 
   model for this deflection should be pretty good and might be good
   enough to use from scratch - only experience will tell).  Thermal
   deformations can probably be modeled as well.  The focus only needs 
   to be redetermined if something changes mechanically on the antenna. 
   It does not need to be determined by every observing program.
   The statement 'Frequencies around 90-100 GHz are optimal.' does 
   not make any sense - the focus needs to be determined for each 
   band (on each antenna) independently.

section 10: I think the arguments here are superseded by memos 403 & 
   404 for fast switching.  In fact, I'm not sure why this section is
   included at all, except in a 'completeness' sense.

section 11.1: 'Since the accuracy of opacity correction allows to take
   a source 10 deg away, we can use a Q7 quasar of typical flux 
   S0 = 1.5 Jy...".  This isn't right, since your flux density 
   calibrator can't be just any old Q7 quasar, but has to rather be
   one of a small subset, *unless* you plan on monitoring every Q7 
   quasar regularly (and by this, it means every day, since flux density
   variations of several percent or larger occur daily).  I think that
   given our current thinking on breaking observing runs into small
   chunks, the use of quasars for absolute flux density won't work.
   If we had long runs (similar to what is currently done at mm arrays 
   [or cm arrays, for that matter]), then you could catch one of the 
   small number of prime flux density calibrators at some point in your
   run, but given small chunks, this becomes unrealistic.

   I think we'll want primary calibrators closer than 10-15 deg from
   secondary calibrators.  But, this might be a problem with short
   observing blocks.

section 11.4: 'Using a source model and the actual layout...'.  Which
   source model?

   I disagree with 'It is thus sufficient to design the largest
   configuration with 1 short baseline to provide the same sensitivity.'

section 12.1: As I pointed out above, I don't think it should be 
   necessary to calibrate delays and focus for every observation.
   Additionally, as pointed out above, I don't see the need to 
   separate the bandpass calibration into fine and large scale.

section 12.4: 'Monitoring of these secondary calibrators should be done
   regularly to provide sufficient reference sources.'  This is a huge
   time commitment.  To get 1% accuracy, you need to monitor them 
   every day, at all frequencies.  If they are suggesting to monitor 
   every Q4 & Q7 quasar, this is *alot* of time (1 Q4 quasar per 16
   square degrees means several thousand of them, and even at 1 second
   per observation, this is many hours!).  They must be advocating some
   subset of these quasars, but even if that subset is only 100 
   quasars (of order 1 per 100 square deg), then this is still a 
   serious time commitment.

section 13: The recommendation to relax the submm spec to 3% is an
   important one, and should be considered seriously.  I guess the ASAC
   should be queried on this.

   I agree with the directions for future research here, but would add 
   development of the dual-load calibration system.

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