[mmaimcal]Unsolicited comment from David Woody

Al Wootten awootten at NRAO.EDU
Thu Aug 8 11:36:02 EDT 2002

David addressed this not to Bryan, James Lamb and myself but I'll
redistribute it here.  This would make a good discussion topic at an
almacal telecon.

to: Whom it may concern

Here is an unsolicited comment on memo 422.
The chopping frequency analysis is much too
simplified, despite it taking up most of the paper,
and a more rigorous analysis comes to a quite
different conclusion.

There are problems with the dual-load scheme,
but I would not make a decision to abandon it
based on what I believe to be an incorrect
chopping frequency analysis.

| David Woody                                  =20
| Assistant Director of Instrumentation=20
| Owens Valley Radio Observatory    =20
| Caltech                                             =20
| P.O. Box 968, Big Pine, CA 93513  =20
| phone 760-938-2075ext111            =20
| dwoody at ovro.caltech.edu             =20

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