[mmaimcal] how many nutators for 12m antennas?

Mark Holdaway mholdawa at nrao.edu
Tue Sep 26 15:30:36 EDT 2000

> I think that from these considerations, the project should consider 
> nutator development for at least some of the ACA antennas.  Since their number
> size and configuration is only loosely defined, assume that an ACA
> observation has minimal redundancy in its shortest spacing.  Then an
> ACA single element observation should have an integration time similar to
> that on any of the array baselines.  As with the large array, the
> factor of two difference in the switched mode suggests that four antennas
> with nutators should provide the necessary total power information.

Changing the subject....

Doesn't that argue for equipping many more than 4 of the 12m antennas
with total power systems and nutators?  There will be a fair amount
of redundancy in the shortest baselines of the most compact 12m
configuration (or i would argue there SHOULD be; it is possible that the
ring with a squiggle configuration we are working with does not have
so much redundancy on the shortest baselines... BUT IT SHOULD!!!!)

The converse is:  if our most compact 12m array is NOT very compact, then
we can get away with only 4 antennas equipped with total power systems;
but at the expense of the very high surface brightness snesitivity
which the old MMA D array was designed to achieve.


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