[mmaimcal] minutes of ASAC meeting

Al Wootten awootten at nrao.edu
Fri Jun 16 13:21:42 EDT 2000

Minutes from Peter Shaver.  Any contributions to item No. 2?


ALMA Science Advisory Committee

Teleconference, 12 June 2000

Draft Minutes

Participants: Bachiller, Booth, Bronfman, Brown, Cox, Crutcher, Emerson,
Fukui, Guilloteau, Hasegawa, Ishiguru, Menten, Nakai, Richer, Shaver,
Walmsley, Wilson, Wootten, Yun

The draft agenda was accepted as proposed.

1. Date of next face to face meeting in Berkeley

The tentative date for this meeting is 9/10 September.

2. ALG and Priorities

The recent e-mail from Japan (Y. Fukui via N. Nakai, 12 June) and
related comments in the e-mail from S. Guilloteau was discussed. 

a) Antennas. There was a discussion of the size and number of small
antennas, whether it was required to cross-correlate the small and large
antennas, and whether all receiver bands should be included in the small
antennas.  It was agreed that simulations are needed, and K. Menten
asked the Project Scientists to contact the appropriate persons to carry
out these studies.
b) Receivers. Japan proposed that it provide bands 8 and 10. However, in 
the ASAC a strong interest in the 2 mm band (number 4) was expressed,
especially for high-redshift objects. The importance of band 1 was also
reiterated. A concern was expressed as to whether band 10 was
technologically feasible yet.
c) Correlator. Japan has reiterated its interest in a large correlator.
It was not clear whether this would include the cost of the associated
computer system. The value of adding this extra correlator power was
questioned, as there is a trade-off between observing time and
bandwidth. It was suggested that there be discussion between the
Japanese and US/Europe correlator groups.

K. Menten stressed that this was just a first discussion, and iteration
is required, involving both the Project Scientists and the ASAC. C.
Wilson reminded the ASAC that R. Brown wanted input by 23 June, in time
for the next ALG meeting. K. Menten said that he will work on this with
S. Guilloteau and A. Wootten, and distribute a draft to the ASAC by
Monday 19th.

3. Science Software Requirements

The document from the ALMA Science Software Requirements Committee,
prepared by R. Lucas, was discussed. Strong support was expressed for
dynamic scheduling as the default mode, especially for submm
observations, although S. Guilloteau commented that there were also
advantages in the astronomers coming to the telescope. Concerning the
data products (point 2), it was agreed that the pipeline should provide
the products up to and including 2(d) as recommended by the SSR
committee, but (e) and (f) were considered very ambitious and undecided.
Concerning the database, it was felt that only the science data should
have a proprietary period. K. Menten said he will write a first draft of
possible answers to all of these issues, to be distributed to the ASAC
for iteration.

4. Upcoming reviews

D. Emerson said that the report on the Test Interferometer meeting held
in May will be available shortly. It was announced that the antenna PDRs
will take place on June 19-22.

5. Change of hours for ASAC telecons

It was agreed to change the hours for the ASAC telecons for the next few
meetings to: 14:15 UT (= 16:15 CEST = 10:15 EDT = 07:15 PDT = 23:15

Thus, the next telecon is scheduled for Monday 10th July at 14:15 UT.


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