[mmaimcal] Meeting

Al Wootten awootten at nrao.edu
Tue Jun 6 14:51:53 EDT 2000

Let's have a short meeting today.  I may not get an agenda together
on a WWW page, though.  

We are supposed to think about dividing up the construction project--what
do we want and what do we really not want.  Some thoughts:

Configurations should be decided by then.  There may still be issues with
the larger configuration but this is a joint area, IMHO.

There will continue to be imaging issues.  I forsee ongoing simulation
probably with AIPS++ as the array gets better and better defined.

Water vapor radiometry.  While EU is constructing a Mark II 183 GHz
radiometer, which may go on the prototypes or not (I haven't had an answer),
OVRO, the VLA and probably BIMA will be experimenting with working 22 GHz
systems.  It seems to me that a useful split here would be hardware to
Europe and algorithms/application to the US.

Site operations will become more under the aegis of Division 2, site
development, and I presume will be subsumed there in the construction phase,
though we should still monitor and analyze data.

Tomorrow is a SSR meeting.  Lucas sent out an agenda:
Agenda for phone meeting on 2000-06-06 16h UT

1 - Final status of Memo 293.

2 - Summary of the work initiated in Garching in May 15-19 on Use

3 - Requirement lists: status on each area.

4 - Discuss Mel's idea of test projects to validate the requirements
    (see his e-mail of 2000-05-09)

5 - Discuss the points raised earlier by Steve on blanking and
    flagging/ correlator data processing

Next Monday is an ASAC meeting.  We will discuss science that the Japanese
will bring to partnership with ALMA, as discussed a few weeks ago, and
the SSR items which Lucas sent around.

Next Tuesday there will be no meeting.  I will be at U. Md. at Laura
Woodney's thesis defense.

Next Wednesday the configuration telecon will occur.  Min may have something
to say about that today.


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