[mmaimcal] Comments?

Al Wootten awootten at nrao.edu
Fri Jan 21 14:05:52 EST 2000

Peter has two items for discussion at the DH meeting, which is before ours.
I can't see an objection to item (1).  I haven't thought of an objection to
the proposition in (2)--a weekend brain teaser.

(1) It has proven necessary to have slightly different versions of some
of the antenna ICDs for the US and European antennas, although all
critical interface specifications are identical between the two
versions. Accordingly, there will be an ALMA-US and an ALMA-Euro antenna
ICD series, with ICD titles and identification numbers being the same
for the two series. Each antenna group head will have right of approval
of the other partners ICDs and it will be up to the antenna head to
ensure that proposed changes are acceptable. Is this process acceptable?
Is it necessary for each partner to have approval rights on the other
partner's ICDs?

(2) In Chile the center of the cable wrap will point to the north. It
had been planned  that when we are testing in the northern hemisphere we
would rotate the antenna foundation 180 degrees and have the center of
the cable wrap point south. Now, for simplicity, it seems preferable to
not do this foundation rotation in the northern hemisphere so that the
center of the cable wrap will point north at the VLA site. Is there any
reason why this is unacceptable?


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